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Hey guys, just today i found 2 sony xplod 6X9 speakers sitting around in my basement...awesome rite? and they are right next to a alpine 6 CD changer. the front sony speakers are currently installed in my dads 93 z28 camaro and have never been used due to incorrect installation. The headunit in the camaro is somewhat crap, i may just give my dad my old front speakers and put in the xplods.


The 6X9s are currently in my car, i have to buy a $10 wiring harness to hook them up correctly.

the alpine CD changer is currently waiting installation, i have absolutely no idea how to install it lol, i will do something with it tomorrow.

also tomorrow i may attempt to switch out my front speakers with my dads xplods.

after all is said and done, in a couple months probably i will have a sony xplod system all around



front speakers

headunit : http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_30079_Sony-CDX-GT350MP.html

amp : http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_36645_Sony-XM-GTX6040.html

subs : http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_19216_Sony-XS-L106P5-XS-L106P5B.html

sub box : http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_24431_Absolute-DAG10.html


i think with all that i will be far better off than just my 4 stock speakers with a small stock amp...


what do you guys think?

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I can't stand Sony. At all. Had them, ditched them within 3 months.


My front speakers I got on eBay for like $30 new, they are MB Quarts, the base base line, I think EKA series? Much better sound, and can take a LOT more than rated power. Mine are rated at 35RMS, they're getting 100+. My Sony's were rated for 35 as well and would get stinky off the head unit's 17 watts. Sounded brighter than bright, like screamy bright.


It's way way better to build your own sub box. A sheet of 3/4" MDF, some wood glue, a jig saw (or a router if you have one) and a weekend. You're talking like $30-40 to build a box that will blow that prefab out of the water. 2x2" ports, those gotta be tuned at like 50hz! Bad bad bad.


What budget did you have in mind for your setup?


i actually like the sound of a sony 6X9 pumping in my ear lol, with my stock amp right now it will sound good...then i will tune it later


i probably dont want to spend more than $350 for an amp, subs, sub box and wiring...and a headunit i suppose


$400 if i really had to, but id like to stay around or under the $300-$400 range


That budget I would start with cabin speakers and maybe an amp for them, then get subs down the road should you decide you want them.


OR there's this:




What size are front speakers on those? 6 1/2?



Or 5 1/4?



Sony x9's aren't horrible I suppose, not the best but they'll do.


That 4-channel would probably be okay as well:



DON'T cheap out on wiring though. I learned that from experience. Do it right the first time so if/when you upgrade you don't have to buy new wiring. I would run 4-gauge down the chassis (GOOD 4-gauge, like Fosgate, Streetwires, Knu, or welding cable) at the very least.


I should offer up a disclaimer though, in that replacing your stock speakers with almost ANY speakers will sound 10x better. But there is a difference between good speakers and great speakers. $400 could get you there I believe.


well, im going to order that harness later so i can hear those sonys pumping...


i am currently stealing my dads crappy sony headunit, way better than my stock anyways...


might steal his front speakers later lol...


Whoa whoa whoa, what harness? You don't need one. Snip the factory plugs about 3-5" down (in case you decide to switch back to stock later) crimp/solder some female spades on the wires, and hook them up to your speakers.


i would much rather buy a $10 harness that will make it simple and easy to just hook up...no soldering needed


plus, all i do to go back to stock, which im not gonna, is just take the harness off...

Whoa whoa whoa, what harness? You don't need one. Snip the factory plugs about 3-5" down (in case you decide to switch back to stock later) crimp/solder some female spades on the wires, and hook them up to your speakers.


that is the stupidest idea EVER. no offence. I hate people that take the cheap way out. Do NOT snip the factory plug do it the right way. I say this because my sister just bought a car someone put in a Dual head unit. and she wanted the one from her old car. And someone did just what you said to do. What a mess!


You're talking something completely different. If I read right he's talking about the SPEAKERS. Two wires per. If you can't figure out how to resplice two wires so the colors match when you're demodding you shouldn't be messing with electrical anyway.


If he meant a HEAD UNIT harness, I fully fully ABSOLUTELY agree.


yeah on back wires... just cut and splice lol. i thought you meant head unit.


Lol I guess we should ask him for clarification. No way in hell would I do that with a head unit. Gives me a headache just thinking about it :lol:


HAHAHA...oh the irony...i just spent 3 hours yesterday rewiring my dads headunit...fvck that chit..


no, i was talking about the speakers in the back deck, two 6X9s...+ and - port things. my car has a harness type thing that the stock just plugged right into...but the new speakers i put in have the + and - ports.


the harness is a noobs way out, and yes...i realize i can rewire a headunit but i cant solder two wires lol...just dont want to, because its in my car and i like my car to be as clean as possible. plug and play is cleaner than soldering

btw...my battery died during all of this, im going today to get a optima yellow top and cold crack the chit outta my car lol.


haha good plan. I understand wanting to keep it clean, just throwing it out there.




well...how hard would it be to wire that? honestly...i have no clue what to do to work around that harness...im lost in there lol...also idk how im ever gonna rewire my amp, its all harnesses. gay effing GM and their harnesses

Posted (edited)

lol, i read through one of your earlier posts...


i will probably buy this amp : http://www.audiosavings.com/products/4-Channel-Car-Amplifier/SONY-600-WATT-4-3-2-CHANNEL-CAR-AUDIO-AMP-AMPLIFIER/XMGTX6040+RB.aspx

and these speakers : http://www.audiosavings.com/products/5.25-Inch-Car-Speakers/CRUNCH-GRP5.2C-500-WATT-5.25-COMPONENT-CAR-SPEAKERS/GRP5.2C.aspx


the only only only problem i have is wiring...

i can rewire a non-harnessed headunit all day long, but i have no idea what to do with a harness...never worked with one before...dont really wanna go cutting wires


I think i just found my new headunit!!!!!!




beastly cheap and awesome! im pretty sure it will fit too :D

its everything i want, non-detachable face, and aux input, and ipod thing...and touch screen...epic win!

Edited by 04whitess

this is what im talking about







muhahaha...my new rear deck is custom as fvck






also, from all of the things ive been doing to my car, alas...my battery has died, been driving my dads pos lincoln cont. for the past few days lol...but now im rollin again with a new interstate battery



Wow, how the hell did I miss this thread.


Sony's mobile audio products are GARBAGE.


Stay the f*ck away from them. That includes subs, speakers, amps, and head units. If you disagree, you're wrong. This is not something I care to argue about. The amp for example is way way underrated. We can help you find a decent 5-channel amp if you want.


If you want advice, post a budget and your expectations. Do you want loud, or sound quality?


As for sub boxes, build your own. I've only ever seen *one* good pre-fabbed sub box and the one you posted isn't it. You have a lot of people here who are willing to help you with everything along the way.


Decent head unit if it does what you want it to. JVC makes solid head units, as do Pioneer and Eclipse.


sorry to rain on your parade...but i am not someone looking for TOP quality sound. I am looking for better than stock sound and thats what sony offers...for a cheap part time job workers budget.


i will more than likely be getting a JVC headunit though. ill be keeping the 6 CD changer i have (Wired in today btw!) and i may replace the 6X9s later...when im out of college and have all sorts of money to waste hahaha...


Update on my system: i currently have the stock front speakers with stock tweeters. i wired in the sony xplod 6X9s just today and they are 100X better than my stock speakers, all i need to make them louder is an amp and a headunit.

i also wired in the 6 CD alpine CD changer, it is temporary wiring until i figure out places to put everything for easy access and better looks.

i may buy my friends sub for probably around $50, it is a sony xplod 1100watt. before i hook that up im gonna need an amp!

amp im looking to get is a sony xplod 600 watt amp, i think its either 4 or 5 channels...idk

oh, and these front speakers...my stocks crack sometimes...so annoying...


amp : http://www.audiosavings.com/products/4-Channel-Car-Amplifier/SONY-600-WATT-4-3-2-CHANNEL-CAR-AUDIO-AMP-AMPLIFIER/XMGTX6040+RB.aspx

beastly headunit : http://www.audiosavings.com/products/In-Dash-CD-Receiver-and-Monitor/JVC-KW-XR418-DOUBLE-DIN-CD-PLAYER-RECEIVER-KWXR418-NEW/KW-XR418.aspx


I've installed that amp before, it does decent for the cash. Speakers, meh, but for the price nothing really competes. HU I can't give opinions on, never used JVC.


well, my only question on the speakers is if they are the right size...pretty sure there are only one size tweeters...

and that HU is teh secks imo...touch screen?!?! awesome...and only $160? a Lot of other HUs by jvc that are touch are so much more expensive...and that one has everything i want...


again, only issue is wiring...no idea how to wire in the speakers, or the tweeters, or the amp, or the HU lol....hahahahahaha, ill figure it out...

Posted (edited)
sorry to rain on your parade...but i am not someone looking for TOP quality sound. I am looking for better than stock sound and thats what sony offers...for a cheap part time job workers budget.


i will more than likely be getting a JVC headunit though. ill be keeping the 6 CD changer i have (Wired in today btw!) and i may replace the 6X9s later...when im out of college and have all sorts of money to waste hahaha...


Update on my system: i currently have the stock front speakers with stock tweeters. i wired in the sony xplod 6X9s just today and they are 100X better than my stock speakers, all i need to make them louder is an amp and a headunit.

i also wired in the 6 CD alpine CD changer, it is temporary wiring until i figure out places to put everything for easy access and better looks.

i may buy my friends sub for probably around $50, it is a sony xplod 1100watt. before i hook that up im gonna need an amp!

amp im looking to get is a sony xplod 600 watt amp, i think its either 4 or 5 channels...idk

oh, and these front speakers...my stocks crack sometimes...so annoying...


amp : http://www.audiosavings.com/products/4-Channel-Car-Amplifier/SONY-600-WATT-4-3-2-CHANNEL-CAR-AUDIO-AMP-AMPLIFIER/XMGTX6040+RB.aspx

beastly headunit : http://www.audiosavings.com/products/In-Dash-CD-Receiver-and-Monitor/JVC-KW-XR418-DOUBLE-DIN-CD-PLAYER-RECEIVER-KWXR418-NEW/KW-XR418.aspx


Rain on my parade? Way to shoot down a guy who's trying to offer valid advice. You don't have to be looking for top quality sound in order to be fully capable of avoiding bottom of the barrel quality. Hell, "top quality sound" in my book can cost you more than your car is worth. Sony is about as bad as it gets. I'd rather not even run a sub than have a Sony sub in my car.


One of the biggest problems with these cars is the sound quality from the factory head units. Replace the head unit and its a night and day difference. All of a sudden, "upgrading" to aftermarket components doesn't make quite as large of a difference. Change one variable at a time and you start to see the difference.


For the record, I have a temporary set of Sony Xplod 6x9's in my 2000 Regal GSE. They're only there because the stock speakers were cracking from dry rot. Do they sound bad? No, but they're also only there for bass duty and they do their part about as well as a set of 6x9's can.


The amp is a 4 channel. Where's the confusion? It says so in the title. I recommended that we find you a 5 channel amp so you could run your stereo speakers off of an amplified channel and a sub on its own dedicated channel, as you otherwise won't be able to without bridging some of the outputs and running some of the speakers off the head unit.


And on that note, why that particular head unit? Why not get a cheaper single din head unit, save some money, and put it toward some better equipment like a better amp? Not sure if you noticed, but that amp is refurbished as well. Its bad enough that its a Sony amp, but it being refurbished is setting off even more alarms. What's more is that the amp won't be able to deliver more than 360W RMS total, and that's assuming a 50% efficiency, which you'd be lucky to get from an automotive Class AB amplifier.


I've tried using a few Sony amps in the past and had absolutely terrible experiences. They never delivered their rated power, they overheated very easily, and they shut down on me constantly. Fortunately, I was always able to return them for a full refund. You only mess with cheap equipment for a short while before you realize its not even worth your time.


But hey, its your money. You want to buy some garbage and have it crap on you within a year, that's all on you. Even when I was on a very budget, I bought one part at a time as I couldn't afford everything all at once, and I bought used equipment from reputable sellers. In the end, I had a sound system that sounded much better and lasted for a lot longer.


If you do end up getting that Sony Xplod sub, let me know how long the spider lasts before it seizes up and starts clicking.

Edited by xtremerevolution

Andrei, you are not listening. There is a kid right down the street with that same amp, had it for 2 years (his is refurb as well come to think of it) NO ISSUES. Is it amazing? No, but it does the job for a daily system. There.


Their subs...yeah, they don't like rated power. But I used to run all-Sony amps and had zero issues except when I accidentally wired a 4-ohm stable amp to 2 ohms and it insta-protected.


yeah. i was 16 one time. and i had sony amps and subs. Better then stock But its all i could afford.

yeah. i was 16 one time.


It's a car forum.


Can't anyone say this that's registered here??


^ hahaha...


honestly, all im looking for is a better than stock system. the HU ik is going to stay in the car for a very long time because it is a decent HU

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