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Painted headlight surround on Cutlass Coupe?

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I'm sure this has probably been asked before....


In fact, I found a thread that mentioned having done that, but the pic link was broken.


The black headlight surround used on the miniquads on the Cutlass coupe, anyone ever paint the surround body color? My Cutlass is white.


Just wondered if it would look good, or like garbage...



Edited by Galaxie500XL

I think it looks horrible! Redfox had his painted red to match. To me it looks like when the car was painted they just said "screw it, we're not taking it back apart for paint, just paint over it!".


yeah, i've seen it before as well..... kinda bleh IMO.


pretty much any color other than body color looks better there. :lol:


unless of course, you have a black car, then it works.


Thanks, guys for the input. Part of where I'm coming from, is I've never really liked white cars...but the Cutlass was so nice, and convertible Cutlasses are so relatively rare in good condition. At least the top is black! :)


I've considered painting it another color, but I've seen few color changes that really look right unless you spend a lot of money painting almost everything...and money is one thing I really don't have to spare...and it's hard to justify spending a lot just for that.


I'd like to find a way to inexpensively make the car less plain to my eyes, without making it look like a 20-year-old ricer owns it--but I suspect the best thing would be just to leave it like it is.


some of us are decent with photoshop and could give you a good idea of what it would look like....


i however, am not one of these people. :showoff:


After seening the pic of the Grand Prix, I don't like it very much, either.


I painted it on my red cutlass. I think it looked good. paint one and put it on and see if you like it

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