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I went and pulled 3 different MAP sensors at the Pull-A-Part in town just to make sure I would get at least one good one. After testing all three of them I have concluded that MAP sensor is not the problem. None of the symptoms went away or varied for that matter. It could be the coil packs as posted by another member earlier, but I'll need to save money to replace them because I wouldn't feel good about pulling coil packs out of a junkyard.

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So tonight as I was pulling into Steak n Shake there's a slight incline in the driveway. As I was going up the transmission slipped....




That's the second time it's ever done it. The first was about a year ago...never done it since until today. I didn't check the fluid, but it should still be full since I haven't seen any puddles under it and filled it about a month ago...

Posted (edited)
Ive got a million coil packs here if you want a set


I could use some coils! I'll PM you.



Also, my stumbling issue has gotten way worse. I think it has to be spark related, as when it stumbles, it sounds like I'm hitting a two step.

Edited by white4d96

I wonder if cruise control can engage on its on, from a wire cross or something. Maybe try turning off the cruise control from inside the hood. Then driving it around and noticing if it surges. (I am just guessing)


With a fuel pressure gauge. I got one at harbor freight for like $20 and have used it on a couple cars. You might be able to rent one?


Oh, ok. I might just check at Rock Auto on my break from class...for $20 that's not too bad. or so it'll probably come in handy again in the future.




They were on sale actually for $14.99...I ran over there on my break. Hopefully I can check it and see. I figured for that price it was just worth buying one, even if it is a cheap piece of shit from Harbor Freight.


Make sure you seal the threads on the fittings. 42 PSI will find leaks in a hurry and nobody likes gas sprayed all over their engine bay. especially not on a hot engine

Make sure you seal the threads on the fittings. 42 PSI will find leaks in a hurry and nobody likes gas sprayed all over their engine bay. especially not on a hot engine


Yeah I saw that on the reviews on the website for it...:roll: I guess you get what you pay for...lol


And just another FFFUUU, the car surged quite a bit on the way home. I dropped out of overdrive and it didn't do it again. But at that point there weren't really any hills either, and that was when it was doing it most today..


well they are pipe threads and they need sealant. I tried to get away without sealant because if you get a newer type of dryseal thread, you dont need it. I'm telling you that sealant is required.


So I just opened up the box, and to be honest I have no idea what the hell it's for. The gauge only goes up to 10psi?!:think: What in the hell is with me and buying the wrong things?!?!


Of course they had two different ones to pick from, but the other said it does not work with GM throttle body systems.


If it was easy, everybody would be doing it! seriously, I hope the tester will work for more than 1-2 times. Harber phraight is horrendous! Since your problem is intermittant, the advice about sealing the fittings is right on, as youll want to ride with it on windshield, then hope car messes up, and look at gauge the whole time.


So, in order for me to see if it's the fuel pump causing my issues I'd have to see if the pressure changed as the car surged? It wouldn't benefit me to just check it with the key on and idling?:think:


Well if its running fine, then the problem shouldnt be there, right? I mean you can check it at idle and its good information to have, but unless you have good data on whats going on when the issue pops up, you're left shooting in the dark.




Well like I keep saying I'll do but have yet to do is just kinda wait until it starts getting worse, or hopefully throws a code. I just keep trying to figure it out because I'd rather get it fixed before it becomes an issue or leaves me stranded somewhere. (Although I have AAA, so I'm not concerned, but you know how that is...rather fix it now while I can)


Complete hypotheticalness... I'm just thinking about it on my break some more... My A/C seems to slowly be losing it's charge. Now, I've also noticed that the surging seem to happen the most on hot days, usually when my a/c is on MAX at full speed. Any chance this could be related?






About your AC. There are 2 ways the AC can affect the operation of your engine. Your ECM will raise the idle when the AC is on and the AC will generally put a heavier load on the engine. Not only is the AC compressor running, but your alternator needs to produce more energy for the HVAC fan and the Cooling fan. The first is controlled by the ECM and if your car otherwise operates normally, its probably not an issue with the ECM. The second is just load on the engine. Personally, I have never heard of anything or any combination of devices on an accessory drive to cause an otherwise well-operating engine to surge.

Posted (edited)

Ok thanks, it was just a guess!




I'm kinda wondering about the TCC solenoid now. Damn, what did I say this morning? I won't worry about it until it gets worse. Fuck that...I know I can't just let it go...:lol:


I'm fairly certain it can't be fuel related...because wouldn't I be getting poor fuel mileage? Yeah, I'm getting exceptionally great mileage, so I'm thinking it's either ignition or transmission related now.

Edited by urbex

It can get ok mpg with a lean fuel problem...remember it is only surging at times. good luck.

Re tcc-just disable it and see how it feels.

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