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Odd hiccup (seemingly) during warmup

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So on the new Monte. First issue I'd like to attack is one that the previous owner told be about before I bought it, although I couldn't replicate it either during the road test or the ~75 mile drive home.


It seems to happen MOSTLY when it's warm-ish. It hasn't done it yet bone cold or fully warmed up. It does happen after 5-10 minutes of highway driving if I hop on the highway immediately after starting the car. It will only happen 3-5 times with no obvious pattern of any kind, and that's it. The rest of the drive is fine and it won't happen again.


There is a random CEL that comes and goes as it pleases, but the previous owner said it's for a cam sensor code which he replaced and I verified as being replaced.


The issue is a slight hiccup under light load while cruising. It will just "cough" once and that's it. No CEL when it happens, tach doesn't drop like it's losing crank signal, no other symptoms at all. Like I said before, it will do it 3-5 times and that's the last I hear of it. It doesn't happen every time I drive it either. It's only done it twice since saturday, and I've driven it a lot since then, probably around 200 miles.


I know it's not much to go on but hopefully someone has maybe had this issue before. I'm not too concerned with it because it's so minor but it is annoying, and not very flattering if a member of the opposite sex happens to be in the car :thumbsup: Thanks guys!


hmm..... i did recieve the occasional cam sensor code before, but IIRC, it never tripped the SES or acted odd...


got an OBD2 scanner? not all codes will set the SES light. it would be good to see some freeze-frame data during one of these events...


I have a scanner at work but not one for personal use, although I was thinking about getting a cheap one.


I haven't had time to scan it myself yet, I have the day off Thursday I may steal the scanner for a bit. Problem is I never know if it's going to do it or not, and more often than not it doesn't.


Change the fuel filter and check for a vacumn leak. Maybe a bottle of sea foam in the fuel tank.


No signs of a vacuum leak, I was planning on the sea foam and fuel filter.


I did pull codes today, got a P0341 Camshaft Sensor CKT and a P1374 3x reference signal something or other.


The cam code was a history code I assume the new sensor the previous owner installed took care of that. I'm not really sure about the P1374 code, however. From my understanding it means the PCM is losing signal from the ICM? Or is it losing signal from the crank or cam sensors?


3X reference is the signal the ICM generates based off of the 7X crank sensor.


so, either crank sensor, ICM or PCM.


Hm... I'm wondering if the ICM isn't getting tired after 180k miles, maybe coils too.

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