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Does this sound like my alternator is about to die?

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A whistling/whining noise sorta right over where the alternator is? There is a little click also above where the alternator is. I already ordered one up and will have it tommarow. Before I tear it off I want to see if you guys think that that is what it is. Im like 95% sure it is.


154.99 for brand new 105amp life time warranty alternator. It was the best I could find. But so damn expensive.


Oh and i have the 3.4


when one of my 4 alternators in this last year went out, it made a whining noise for like 2 months, then just stopped puttin out


Yeah I figured. :x


Ill let you know how the install goes when Im done, not looking forward to it at all :?


hey teferius, wat have you and payso96gtp from ClubGP find about the 97+ cars or about our DOHC? I support the thread going on over there cuz i myself have a 93, just wanna know wt the secret is cuz i curious!!


My car makes a whining noise that i can only really here when im driving slowly. I dont notice it under the hood and it gets louder when i turn the wheels. I figure powersteering pump, but when i dont turn the wheel it is still make that noise. Is this the alt?


Is it true that if you jump another car, the alternator on the 3.4 gets messed up/takes some of the life off of it.


Thats true of any car but people over exagerate that point with the 3.4 because the alternator is so hard to replace. I have jumped and been jumped like 3 times in the last year and its still fine so I'm not sweatin it.


just b4 my alt went out if I turned on the radio I would get a high pitch whirling through the speakers, and it would get worse as the rpms went up. once it died about two weeks later (about 400 miles) the noise went away, and never came back when i put a new alt in.


Wow.. that's exactly what my car is doing. It sounds like a loose wire or bad ground, but the problem is gone on cold mornings, up until about 20 minutes of driving it (i.e. when it warms up). I need a new alt, my new pizza delivery job shall come to the rescue there! :D


I fixed it sunday. Something was squeeking really loud so I got a new belt. Still squeeking. So I took the wheel off so I could listen better. I thought it was my alt squeeking, a bad bearing or something. I was about to rip it out again when I got some WD40 and sprayed it all over the tensioner pulley. The squeeking left. My car is all better now.

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