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what is classified as a blown sub

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Ok I have 2 kenwood KFC 3012 subs powered by a kicker750.1 amp and one of my subs recently ripped the rubber or fabric or whatever it is and I took it to best buy with my one year protection plan "warranty" and they said that they can't exchange it because it's considered wear and tear and that it had to of been pressed up against something or I was using them too hard. I told them that there was nothing against it and I will bring my car around to show them that there's nothing there and I never have my amp turned all the way up, but why would one sub do it and not the other? Just a bit ticked off about it all.


Did the cone come seperated from the surround or did the surround rip? Pics?

Did the cone come seperated from the surround or did the surround rip? Pics?

The surround ripped





How old is the sub? I think only in the last model year did Kenwood start making rubber surrounds on those subs, before that they were foam surrounds which suck and tend to seperate from the cone. If it has the foam surround I would chalk it up to a combination of to much power and shitty design. If it has the newer rubber surround then its most likely a factory defect. Either way Best Buy should warranty it. I just asked the guy I work with who used to work at a Best Buy doing car audio. He says if they dont warranty it to call the number on your protection plan card. Talk to someone there and they will contact the store you bought it from and tell them to warranty it for you.

Posted (edited)

That's what I was thinking. Try to talk to someone higher up. Try to get ahold of the manager at Best Bull and let him/her know what the situation is. There's no reason for that shit to happen and you to be stuck with it. I used to have a set of subs that were damn near 20 years old at the time and they still had intact foam surrounds. Guess they just don't make shit like they used to... :dunno:


Good luck, and don't let them BS you out of some kind of compensation. I'm sure you paid good money for this and the warranty and you shouldn't just say "Oh well" and forget about it. :thumbsup:


By the way it isn't technically blown in my opinion. Blown to me is a fried inner coil that makes a horrible knocking sound and greatly reduces the performance of the speaker. Most rips can be patched and the speaker would work well if you do it right. Technically you could get some rubber glue and use that to rejoin the ripped foam[done it a few times myself], but like I said try your best to get some compensation first.

Edited by virtuetovice

I guess abuse *could* cause that damage, however torn foam surrounds are a fact of life with many speakers and at 5 months old that should be covered.


Like I said call the Best Buy warranty line and they will take care of it for you. My co-worker was head installer at a Best Buy for several years. He says there is no way they should have refused warranty. Oh and by the way if they are trying to say it was caused by something hitting up against it that is bullshit. That may cause a small hole or rip in the surround. When the cone actually separates from the surround like that its generally due to a factory defect, especially after only 5 months.


Those Kenwood subs are known for shredding surrounds and shattering cones. Not surprised to see that kinda damage.


If you manage to do anything, get names and numbers, and please let me know. I have the 10" version of that sub sitting on a shelf dead with the same problem.


Sent from my HTC Awesome using Tapatalk

  • 3 weeks later...

Well I went to a different best buy and they honored the warranty so I now know which best buy to not go to anymore. lol


Now go back to the shitty BB and tell them

"I just went to another Best Buy and they gladly honored my warranty. The district manager happened to be there at the time and was infuriated when I told him you guys didn't serve me better....just a fair warning he said he'd be here soon and some heads are gonna roll." :lol:

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