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*%&#(ing Bolt!!

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I have a whining/close to failing power steering pump I am trying to replace. I've managed to remove the bottom bolt, but all I've managed to do with the top one is round it off. I've used some liquid wrench on it, what can I do now? Saw the head off?


I also changed the oil. Now that I've done that, the car idles better, but for some reason I'm pulling 13 or so volts where before I'd vary between 9-12 at night. Is there any way changing the oil can help my alternator?? I'd think not, but maybe there's some strange way...


I don't think you could saw the head off, I'm pretty sure the bolts go through the aluminum timing cover and thread into the pump itself, leaving little to no access? Are you using a socket and going through the holes cut in the PS pulley? You may have to take more serious measures, aka pulling the pulley off, or getting the style of socket that you hammer onto a damaged bolt head. I know theres not much room there, but I sold my 90 3.1 GP 3 days ago so I can't look :rolleyes:



BTW changing oil has no effect on the alternator, and you should have an output of around 13.6 volts under normal driving conditions.


Yeah, socket through the PS pulley holes. There's very little room for a hammer, but I'm gonna try that. Any more ideas? Thanks so far!



i am in the process of removing the lower intake from my car to fix a cooling leak. there are a couple threads in general about my problem.


tonight i got the PS pump and some more junk and the lower intake off.

i was told to go through the holes in the pulley to get to the bolts for the pump. all three came out without hitch.

there was not much room available to cut the head off though. if that is what it came down to.

if it is like my cutty then you might be able to gain some room by removing the plastic cover on the inner fenderwell.

an ezout might work, but not sure if you have enough room to drill a hole and then drillout the bolt with the ezout.



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