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Lower Ball Joints on a '95 Cutlass

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The garage today said that I need both lower ball joints replaced in my Cutlass. I never did this job and would like to know how hard it would be? Also they said that the Left Inner-Outer Tie Rod is poor. Can anyone help with this...any special tools?






i believe there is a special tool for the ball joints. the tie-rods i don think so but im not sure. any one else?


If the balljoints have never been changed you're gonna need a drill to drill out the 4 rivets in each ball joint. You might need an impact wrench to get the nut off that holds the balljoint to the control arm. It's kind of a pain to do, but alot cheaper than going to a garage. :) I did it on my 95' Grand Prix. Other than that it's fairly simple, but time consuming, especially drilling the rivets out.


it is cold here so i got them done at my buddy shop last weekend, it cost me 200 out the door, thats shitty! But i got to see how they did em in the shop cuz i know the owner and no way would i want to do that in my driveway! :shock: Later Jay


no prob!!!! :lol: they would suck if you didn't have the air tools ( i didn't know how to spell pneumatic) later all Jay

The garage today said that I need both lower ball joints replaced in my Cutlass. I never did this job and would like to know how hard it would be? Also they said that the Left Inner-Outer Tie Rod is poor. Can anyone help with this...any special tools?


Maybe you just should start posting what parts of the Cutrice Supreme do work properly...it'd be less work. LoL


"CUTRICE SUPREME" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:




Maybe I should add some of that Japanese writing on it somewhere just to top it off :roll: !!!!


For your information, I've owned this car for six years and have never had to do what I have been doing to this car. This year has been an exception for the Cutlass! It has overall been a great car!


If your tires are still in good shape, after you get the ball joints replaced, it might be a good idea to get an alignment done. Unless you want to chew those front tires up! :wink:





well, as far as I know all of the W body ball joints are riveted from the factory, but if they have been changed before, they will be bolted in. As for changing them, it is a chore, I use a sharpened chisel bit in an air hammer that shaves the rivet head off so i can punch out the remaining piece of the rivet. this is better done with good quality air tools, mu ait hammer cost me 300 dollars, but at the same time, I am an auto tech.


I dunno why everyone thinks the factory ball-joints are so damn hard to get off - Guess yah gotta change a waterpump on a 2.0L OHC Sunbird first... Puts life into perspective >_<


I did mine in an evening.... they're a pain... but not impossible.


after you get done with the rivets, my big problem was dislodging them from the control arms. I highly recommend having one of those fork tools that you can use to pry them out. All we had was a crow bar, a sledge hammer and a torch, probably took 45 minutes to get each one out.


ok I need to locate a few tools, all my stuff is at work right now! How about the tie rods on these babies? which one is easier (ball joints vs. tie rods)?




This is my driveway...all stone in the back. It sucks to lay down on! Plus I share this with my neighbor and she is a damn pain in the ass. I would say that I can blame some of the rust under my car on this :evil:


I just had the tire off. I don't have a 36mm socket :x . The ball joints are on there way out...there is play when I pry them downwards. The tierod end looks like shit. The rubber piece is like hanging there by a 1/4 inch. They(tierod) don't look to bad at all to do :) . Does anyone have a general price for the inner and outer?




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