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been using my regal alot for work lately and started noticing a slight antifreeze smell.so i looked a little closer and found a puddle of af to the left of the thermostat where the lower intake bolt is.the motor is a 3800 with 85thou on the clock and the lower intake gasket was replaced last year.does the right side l.i.m.bolt go into a water passage?it dosent look like the corners of the intake are wet from a bad gasket.any help is welcome as i must drive 150 miles on christmas and don't want to get stuck with my kids in the car.:think: MERRY CHRISTMAS dave


Have you checked for leaks where the upper and lower manifolds meet? If you have coolant on top of the lower, it sounds like your upper manifold would be the one causing trouble. Could be improper torquing, worn gasket, or the entire manifold (which is plastic) might have started to warp and leak.


If not, then I'm clueless as to how coolant got up there, I really can't think of another way right now .:think:


i don't see a trail from the upper to lower manifold.or thermostat housing.i'm thinking the bolt might need sealer?

  • 4 weeks later...

i put teflon tape on the bolt but it is still wet.does anybody have any more advice?




Andrei (xtremerevolution) took and capped off the intake heater circuit which is where it leaks between the lower and uppers... my van with the same motor (series 1 3800) is leaking there but I have not gotten around to fixing it yet...


i think kingvee hit the nail on the head,this morning i started the regal and smelled coolant immediatley.i opened the hood and saw coolant coming out the seam between the upper and lower manifold under the throttle body.any tips on the repair are needed as i don't know if i should just do the gasket or a new manifold.


Hopefully it's just gaskets leaking, but still check the plastic intake for warping. If it looks warped get a new one. If not, WIN! :thumbsup:


Get a new intake... That's where they leak if the intake is warped... I know because it just happened to the 97


i installed the dorman replacement and it seems to have stopped the leak.not really hard to replace but it was about -12 outside and my fingers and toes are still numb.thanks everybody for the help keeping my regal going!

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