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4T60E Jerking in each gear

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My transmission started jerking while shifting into each gear (kind of like shifting too early w/o enough gas in a m/t car), and it did this on and off at the start, now it does it all the time. Here's sort of a demonstartion from a stop: I start going from a stop, it shifts into second and jerks, and on into third and jerk, and so on. But I guess when it's a WOT it doesn't do it. It confusing the heck out of me! :x Does anyone know what's causing this? Or have an idea?


sounds like its time for a TUNEUP :D

let me guess it only happens when your in the lowest gear possible and at low rpms... check your sparkplugs. they are probably bad/fouled out.



mine kind of used to act as you described. i had a very hard 1-2 shift, 2-3 was not as bad, and 3-4 was usually baby smooth. i changed the tranny fluid at 75k and added a bottle of lucas to the new fluid. it helped a bit. for some reason it felt way better after my road trip to florida (a few months later). somehting about driving 20hrs straight must have did something to the fluid. the trans shifts smooth in each gear now :?:


I have a 95' Pontiac Grand Prix w/ 3100.


I have brand new, spark plugs w/ about 15k mi on them (i just pulled them and they're in good condition), brand new Bosch wireset, brand new ingition modules, brand new alternator, changed the trans fluid and filter (3 times. :roll: in about a years time span) I actually just put in some of that lucas stuff and i've been driving for about 20mi with it in and nothing changed yet.


I have a 95' Pontiac Grand Prix w/ 3100.


I have brand new, spark plugs w/ about 15k mi on them (i just pulled them and they're in good condition), brand new Bosch wireset, brand new ingition modules, brand new alternator, changed the trans fluid and filter (3 times. :roll: in about a years time span) I actually just put in some of that lucas stuff and i've been driving for about 20mi with it in and nothing changed yet.


Oops. Accidently posted the same thing twice. I made a typo, "ignition modules" is supposed to be "ignition coils"


any codes? how does the fluid look, smell? right type of trans fluid used?

sounds to me like a clutch band is slipping.


The "SES" light doesn't come on, but I don't know if it produces a code that the light will come on. The fluid is practially new (filled with Dexron III of course! :) ) You think a replacement of a torque convertor would do the trick?


torque converter........nah, its possible but highly unlikely. but if your gunna go throught hte hassle of pulling the trans u should just rebuild it while its out


Does it also jerk while you shift from park to drive or reverse?

In another forum some guys mentioned a tip for those who WANT a harder shift: disconnect and plug the vacuum line going from the transmission to the intake manifold. It seems that the purpose of this vacuum line is to affect how hard the transmission shifts. Manifold vacuum is high at idle and light acceleration, so this somehow causes the transmission to make a smooth shift. At WOT, vacuum is lower causing a firmer shift, exactly when you would want a firmer shift. If the vacuum line is leaking, broken or plugged, there will be a lower vacuum through it, causing hard shifts when there would normally be smooth. I'm not sure if I'm right about this, but maybe you should check that vacuum line.


Here's what may transmission does:


Goes trough 1st gear fine, Goes into 2nd and then it jerks like if you're newb at driving a manual trans. car, same thing in 3rd, and 4th doesn't really do it. But if the trans is in 3rd, or 4th going like 30+ mph the RPM needle doesn't move if you give it some gas. Like it want's to lock the torque convertor down all the time or something, but 1st gear is normal.


It doesn't do anything anbnormal while putting the car from park to drive or reverse. Just while driving. Also, I have "second gear start" which will go into second a little but then start the jerking.

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