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in dash dvd/nav suggestions

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So, I don't quite know what I want to go with yet or what route I want to take. For the last few years I've toyed around with different ideas and looked at different HUs, but haven't decided what to do yet.


One idea is to have a dvd receiver (no screen, just a HU with dvd capabilities), and have an aux screen where the DIC is. touch screen maybe, not sure since I don't know how that would interface with a HU that doesn't have a screen built in. I like this option because I can mount in the stock location and not have to modify anything there, as well as I hate most of the flip out screens when theyre closed, and I wouldn't have it open that incredibly much. I'm also thinking a small carputer to run software or whatever on it, mimicking a DIC or something like that with some gauges.


The other idea is some kind of flip out or similar, but as mentioned before I'm not a big fan of what they look like when closed. Also, I don't know how versitile they are as far as other inputs and such, mainly video, but also if I did the carputer thing, having aux audio.


Either way I'd like to have ipod (iphone in my case) controls in the HU, and I'd prefer to have navigation, but that's not a huge priority. Like I said, I'm still toying with ideas and havent decided what I want to do just yet. I thought about relocating the entire HU to the DIC spot and just getting a double din, but I don't think itd fit there either, and I wouldn;t have much room since the shifter is right there.


I'm a fan of pioneer and JVC as far as looks and functionality, but I'm open to any suggestions.


fire away!


Talk to BXX he put a Carputer with a touch screen in his Cutlass, there was another guy on here that put one in his TGP with the screen in place of the DIC. There should be a thread on it in this section, his name is 5speedtgp or something similar. Keep in mind a screen isnt gonna fit right into the stock DIC location, you will need to do some fabrication to make it work. If you want to keep it simple and do a flip out screen Clarion makes a nice unit called the NZ500. Price is pretty reasonable to, especially compared to Pioneer, kenwood etc.


I like his touch screen in the TGP, but I dont like the top unit setup. I want to maintain a mostly stock appearence without too much fanciness i guess. Flip is probably what I'll do, but I just gotta find a decent one, I'll check that one out

I like his touch screen in the TGP, but I dont like the top unit setup. I want to maintain a mostly stock appearence without too much fanciness i guess. Flip is probably what I'll do, but I just gotta find a decent one, I'll check that one out



I miss my carputer setup, but it was sold to fund "go fast" parts for the vert. Heres some pics of it. Not the best pics, I think you could ask Venom (my buddy who has the setup now) for new pics.


My trunk setup.








Partway through the install, was just testing out the monitor. Its a 8" widescreen Lilliput VGA monitor.




Video of me messing with it.




after watching that video im very intrigued. How is it as far as startup speed, etc? Does it do gauge stuff decently? I know I'm OBD1 so that'll be a bit different I'm sure. Looks really cool, and I easily have a spare computer I could toss in. how do you wire it to the front? I assume a video cable, maybe that has an input controller bundled? Info!

after watching that video im very intrigued. How is it as far as startup speed, etc? Does it do gauge stuff decently? I know I'm OBD1 so that'll be a bit different I'm sure. Looks really cool, and I easily have a spare computer I could toss in. how do you wire it to the front? I assume a video cable, maybe that has an input controller bundled? Info!


Startup speed was less than 60 seconds on a P4 2.26 w/ 512mb of sloooooow PC2100 ram and a 30GB 4200rpm IDE HDD, it was a spare free IBM computer I had. A good Mini ITX mobo with a dual core Atom and 2gb DDR2 ram and SATA HDD should bring it down to 30 seconds. It never bothered me as I take around a minute to get situated in my car, get my seat belt on, check my mirrors, and put my phone and smokes in the cubbys:lol:


Centrafuse was the front end I was using. It doesnt have anything for OBD1. I never got a OBD2 interface to use the stuff in Centrafuse cause I used my tablet and HP Tuners for datalogging.


I never got around to getting a USB AM/FM radio, although I heard the Griffen unit works great.


To reach the monitor from the computer in the back, I used the 16ft Lilliput monitor extension, around $40 on ebay.


If you go this route, get a serial GPS antennea, the USB sometimes has startup issues and wont start and aquire a signal before Centrafuse starts up. Then again I was also using an older 2.21 version and a old ass computer. I heard the serials can be quicker and easier since you dont have to use a virtual com port like with the USB version.

thatd be sweet if you could get the knobs to control the cursor :lol:


They do have USB touchpads, like what a laptop has. I wanted to get one and graft it into my center console, but it wasnt hard for me to reach and touch the monitor.


yeah, i thought about that but I'd use the touchscreen. The fm radio doesnt bother me because I never listen to the radio anyways.Im gonna look into it, but I might have to find a spare console top beforfe I start hacking my good one up. How did you set yours up? run power and junk to the rear like an amp, and then just a monitor cable? I asuume if its touchscreen it has its own interface


Is soundstream any good? I found this, but not sure if it's a decent deal:




pretty much covers all my bases, and I can add navi later. I'm thinking about ordering it and then around feb/march when I get some work bonuses I can pick up the navi if I still want it.

Posted (edited)

after seeing the price of that, I think I'm just going to stick with an in dash for now! I can always build something later, but for now I just cant spend that kind of money on a screen, let alone all the dash modding I may have to do. I like the idea, but I think a single in dash is the way I'm going to have to go. I just wish they made a din 1.5 touchscreen, like the 2 din ones :lol:



After looking at the TGP install, I don't think I want a screen way down there. I would be tempted to try to fit a 2 din in the stock location, but I'm pretty sure that it's just physically too big. Is soundstream a good brand? They seem pretty high quality, but I have no experience with them. I may just end up getting this one for now

Edited by Psych0matt

I'm not a big fan of soundstream, however I'm not seeing anything that degrades them. but what your thinking of getting and what I'm talking about are different. This is what they are saying to stay away from:




This is what you should be looking for:




No matter what carputer you get, just be sure that it has atleast a 400 FSB(front side bus) to handle TunerPro software, especially if your considering electronic Gauges from RobertIsarr, or Garretpowered.


Well, my problem right now still comes down to where to put a screen. I like that second one you posted and might still pick something like that up, but I think I might still pick up an in dash unit for the screen, and then hook the carputer up to that. Only thing I'm not sure about is if I can control the computer via the touchscreen like that :thinking:



The other thing is that I already have a computer that I can put in there no problem, other than the startup time and etc (essentially just a desktop to throw in the trunk)


Nothing wrong with that, I love the way Bob did his. I just wanted something in one package. I did everything your doing now, debating on what I really wanted, I measured for double Din, thoughts on indash, where to place screen, and PC. At the end I believe you will like what your final decision will be, because of all the effort that your putting into it. Again Good luck. Jimmy

Is soundstream any good? I found this, but not sure if it's a decent deal:




pretty much covers all my bases, and I can add navi later. I'm thinking about ordering it and then around feb/march when I get some work bonuses I can pick up the navi if I still want it.


NO! Stay away from brands like soundstream, Boss, Pyle, Dual, Powe Acoustik. Stick with name brands like Pioneer, Kenwood, Alpine etc. This Clarion is a really nice unit. http://www.crutchfield.com/p_020NZ500/Clarion-NZ500.html?tp=20212


well I just ordered that one :confused: for the price it does what I need, however I am still looking to build better later, but this is all I need for now I guess. My bad? :lol: I really wanted a pioneer, but I can't afford one just yet. I figured for a hair over 200 this will do for now.

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