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Removing CV shaft on a 284


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So, I haven't removed one in a long time, so I'm probably going to sound like a newb! I basically realized to get this alternator out it'll be best to take the shaft out, which is fine, I have nothing but time (even though I'd like it done now :lol: ). I was just wondering the best route, any precautions I should take, and if there's anything 5 speed specific. I'm sure I'll end up calling Ken at some point anyways :D but any suggestions, pointers, or tips would be appreciated. I already have the hub off, but I can't find my axle nut socket, so I'll probably have to borrow (or buy) one.

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you really should not have to for a 284. there is a bracket you can unbolt the side of, and that should give you plenty of clearance to slip it out, you may have to pop the tie rod end off the knuckle though.

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there is a bracket you can unbolt the side of, and that should give you plenty of clearance to slip it out


Chris, bracket for what? The alternator? Tie rod? Maybe theres something I'm missing that's not allowing me to get it out :thinking:

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Ok, I thought about that before but wasn't sure what it was. That'll give me way more than enough room I think. Top bolt, or bottom, or just take the whole thing out?

Edited by Psych0matt
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