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80's cars and ethanol gas=bad?

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Plunked down the extra $2.60 to fill my tank up with 93 octane at Exxon. My previous tank of 87 Octane gas from Wawa got me 21.27 mpg. This is roughly what my car has been getting for the last 3 months since ive been keeping data. If i see in the 24mpg range, I'll be a beleiver since I havent been able to pull off any higher than 23.something even on all highway driving.


In Iowa, everyone sells 89 E10 cheaper than 87. I've been told that it's cheaper because the state subsidizes the 89 E10, not sure if that's true. I also know that depending on where you go, at least in IA 91 and 93 octane may or may not contain ethanol. I found in my 96 PA Ultra, it liked the non E10 premium. The milage didn't differ much, but performance did. My Ultra performed better with ethanol free 91 than with 93 octane E-10. I normally fill the Ultra about 10 miles north of here in MN. In my hometown of Leroy, I can get ethanol free 93 at the local BP station, not bad for a town of 900. Casey (formerly BP) in town has 91 without ethanol. The old Ultra loves the 93 from BP, seems to get the best milage and there is a noticable difference in power.


I've been reading about E85. It's something like 104-109 octane. Several people have turbocharged LSx engines simply by adding a turbocharger and tuning for E85, no internal engine changes or reduction in compression ratio. I read about a guy running 10psi boost on an E85 tune on an engine with an 11:1 compression ratio.

Sounds interesting, and I think E85 is comparable to 87-octane in price, though it's harder to find.

  • 1 month later...

Its terrible..it takes about 1.3 gallons of diesel to get 1 gall of ethanol. My 94 Regal ran soo much better after a fillup one day that i went back to same place. I asked lady was it real gas, she said yes. Went back later, drove same trip and didnt notice it ran as well, went back to same place, and yep, ethanol is in it now she said.

If you have a carb, beware, it causes power valves to harden quickly...then your car runs rich.

  • 2 months later...

I've found that my truck runs better on premium. I used to have issues with vapor lock, stalling, and rough idle. All have went away by switching to and using premium exclusively. I hate ethanol....


Pretty much all gas in the US now is E10 whether it's marked so or not. It's to the point now where unless the station owner is specifically requesting pure gasoline (and few do because of price), it's E10. Ethanol has a heck of a lobbying group. Get ready for E15.

So does MI put ethanol in the 87 and 89 octanes?


I'm not sure if it's in everything or what. All I can figure is it's got to be something with the additives? I don't know. I do use Shell gas, and they claim to put more cleaners in the premium. And it's not just in my head... Dead serious, it just runs better. I haven't had vapor lock in a few years since I started running it.


I have never noticed any driveability issues with my car but I cant stand ethanol, so if running premium keeps it out of my system, then Ill run it, the cost difference will pay off in the long run


Like I said, perhaps it's just the additives making it run better, I don't know. Something is doing it, so I'm sticking with it. I do run premium in both the HHR and Lumina as well...because I figure I like the additives for them as well. If gas is going to be as much as it looks, not sure if I'll keep doing that or not. Really, it's about 0.20 more per gallon, so if I needed a FULL tank it's about $4. Cheaper than additives from Walmart...


I never really noticed anything different in either the Lumina or the HHR. Well, once I managed to get 40mpg in the Lumina, but sure it had premium in it, but we were on the expressway for 4 hours with the cruise set at 60...:lol: I just like the cleaners they use is why I use it. But if you were to notice a difference, I would guess it might take a couple tanks to start working.


You know, I never thought of that... I wonder if that is what makes the difference, since Shell is top tier. Well, for $4 a tank I'll keep running it in the truck anyways. The cars...hmmm...


:dance:We in North Dakota and Montana can still get pure regular (87 oct) and 10% ethanol blended regular (89 oct). It's gov. subsidized in ND, so usually 5 cent/gal cheaper for ethanol. I've been using both since it's first offering around 1998. I am convinced ethanol blend regular gets about 1, or 2 mpg less than pure regular gas. Cost then works out to be the same for either.

:arrow::arrow:Montana however, has pure regular gas 5 cents cheaper than blended.

:think:Why would anyone pay more for less mpg gasoline????????:think:

I have used both ethanol 10% and pure reg. in my 1972 Buick Riviera (very little) thru 99, GA, Hondas, 93 Cutlass, a Toyota, up to my new 2011 Subaru. Only problems have been MPG differences and the occassional smell of booze coming from the vehicles when using ethanol belnd...:rolleyes:


if you guys wanna pay for it like i did use this http://pure-gas.org/


the previous owner of the gto gave it too me. and i passed it along when i sold it.


I hate this new ethanol bullshit. I HAVE to run 93 iin my car or else is runs like absolute shit. My truck, theres a gas station here that has ethonal free gas. Even in the truck I can notice a difference...


and around here, they tested the gas, and the amount of ethanol ranged from 5% to 30%!

if you guys wanna pay for it like i did use this http://pure-gas.org/


the previous owner of the gto gave it too me. and i passed it along when i sold it.


Unfortunately for me, there are no stations around here... Most of them are near marinas.


VERY neat link anthony....


too bad the closest station for me is almost 90 miles away....


i do notice the way the GP runs differently depending on where i fill up... there's only two stations within roughly 50 miles of me that don't cause it to have stalling issues, a wandering idle or just plain shit fuel economy... ones a citgo that for a long time had 89 octane for 3 cents more than 87, another is a Shell station in indiana, just off of the highway.


I have been filling up at the Jerry Brown Co. they have Shell brand but above ground tanks and I notice the car runs a lot better with only the premium though. only use premium in the 88 now even though its a N/A car.


they have to have ethanol by law but I think they keep it to a minimum for some reason. they have Shell pumps and other non-blended gas pumps but those are only for use by fleet vehicles and you must have a membership to fill up there. I went in to apply and they require you buy like 900 gallons a year or some shit, and file a special tax form, and own a business.


I found another new station to look into from that link posted and its Tyree brand, but I think they are the same way.

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