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my car started now what is this noise page 2

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thoughts my car wont start, after driving in heavy rains and on and off flooded roads for 25 minuits. it would fire up anytime i wanted last night because i left again after the rain stopped. but today my car just cranks over and over. it started twice and the rpms jumped up an down then died it did not help if i held the gas on i also think i saw some smoke in my rearveiw mirror when it started. i checked the oil and it didnt look to have water in it so i dont think it sucked any up the intake (anyways the intake is in the fenderwell on a metal plate with the horn seperating it from the wheel) and i removed the wires on the coilpack to see if they were dry and they were so what else?


Check for spark, make sure you're getting a strong, consistent spark.


sounds spark related.


Crank sensor or ICM would be my guess


would any of those be caused by the water or is it just a coincidence it happend today


if theres is a crack in the housing that insulates the ignition components from moisture, (whether it be ICM, coil what have you) you will guaranteed have issues when it rains.


okay im gonna get my neighbor tonight or tommorow to help me check on the spark as i cant (no tools lol)


no spark i took a wire off and layed it on the alluminum dog bone and saw nothing while cranking it

no spark i took a wire off and layed it on the alluminum dog bone and saw nothing while cranking it


try a better ground. the dog bone is insulated!


i did i then moved it to a bolt of to the side of it


If there is water in the spark plug holes.................


thats the general consensus on all my forums im busy all day tomorrow so the car is just gonna have to sit till friday


Jake keep me in the loop, I have a similiar problem that is also compounded by battery drain problem (battery literally drains dead overnight just sitting there), if you get this resolved kindly e-mail me please as I am at my wit's end too.


Best of luck getting her fired back up.


it was water in a icm plug. it started, but now it has this ticking noise it goes up and down with rpms its not like a lifter tick sound so idk but it doesnt sound good i will go get a vid and post it up


if you're certain it's not a lifter, it kinda sounds like arc'ing... i'd grab some dielectric grease and smear it on any of the connections the plug wires make.


you know im not sure actually im to sacared to start it lol


arcing huh


yeah, if you feel like a man, pull the plug wire off of one of the plugs while it's running and let the spark jump to the valve cover, it sounds like that.


don't ask how i know.


lmao im sure its not arcing because i just went out and started it again checked down by the coils and it was quiter.the loudest spot is on the drivers side about 8 in above the trans

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