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GM testing voice command to update Facebook status


(AP) – 1 day ago


DETROIT — General Motors Co. is testing software that would let drivers talk to their cars to update status messages on the Facebook social media website, as well as listen to Facebook messages, the company said Wednesday.


The verbal updates would be made through GM's OnStar safety network and are part of the automaker's effort to use the OnStar brand to better compete with rival Ford Motor Co. in auto information and entertainment.


GM also is testing a feature that would read cellular telephone text messages to drivers and allow them to respond by picking one of four preset replies with a button on the steering wheel, GM said in a statement.


GM won't say when the features might make their way into its vehicles, but spokeswoman Jocelyn Allen said they must be evaluated thoroughly to make sure they don't distract drivers from paying attention to the road.


The automaker will announce soon that the OnStar brand will be used for high-tech radios, navigation systems and other dashboard electronics that will compete with Ford's Sync system by Microsoft.


OnStar, known mainly for its safety feature that calls for help in case of a crash in which air bags are deployed, is free on most GM vehicles for the first year, then costs $199 per year for a basic service and $299 for service that comes with turn-by-turn navigation and other features.

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With the way GM works, they will rebrand On-Star again and make the newer cars obsolete. I'd love to have On-Star for the GP But sadly it's all analog and out of date!!


And WHY facebook?! Seriously! I enjoy facebook sometimes but it doesn't need to be a 24/7 thing.

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This is the dumbest shit. Oh my, gotta find out what others are doing on FB while I'm driving, cuz we're all about eliminating distracted driving. "Put down your cell phone and concentrate on the road. Don't text and drive." All right all right, just let me update my FB via ONStar.:roll::facepalm:


I don't have FB, and I actually loathe it. I just recently caught the Southpark episode about FB and I am like Stan to FB, cept the whole getting sucked into the computer thing.

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I've already expressed my opinion on this...


Agreed...who the hell needs MORE FAILBOOK?!??!!?!



"Mom you're on the wrong side of the road!"

"Hold on, I gotta feed Nancy's hors---"=CRASH=


Seriously GM...go ahead and build autodrive, or wrecks are gonna happen. Facebook addicts are the dumbest of all people.icon_rolleyes.gif


The texting feature is pretty cool, as long as it could Bluetooth link to your phone to do the texting. Sadly though, plenty of facebook dipshits would pay a separate monthly fee to TEXT FROM THEIR CAR OMFG WOW!

I can see the sig on their texts now...just like all those iPhone users. "This message was sent from my 2012 Cadillac CTS"


Thanks for the lulz GM lol2.giflol2.giflol2.giflol2.giflol2.gif

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