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Dumb question... where / how to I check the fluid levels?


PO said he had the cylinders and motor replaced. Top worked fine for a couple of months... now it needs just a bit of help to go up.






the pump is under the top well in the trunk with a screw to open and add fluid there is a white/clear plastic end to see the level in the pump


Remember that you got it from Ken... So just because thats whats in there, doesnt mean thats what is supposed to go in there


i was told gm used dot 3 and dexron kinda what ever they had layin around. ive heard most people switch to dexron just in case a leak they wont have brake fluid running underneath the carpet of the car


I never touched the top mechanism fluid in that vert and I thought it had dexron in it. HEY! THANKS FOR THE ACCUSATION!!! I PUT THE PROPER STUFF WHERE IT GOES. the mech worked perfectly until the day before i went to dayton... and it all went downhill. However realizing that a vert might not have dexron in it i will check it in my other cars and change it to dexron if needed, and it seems everyone should do the same.


And YES!! i touched the front struts and changed the fluid in them.... with HYDRAULIC OIL... which seems to be what SHOULD be in them.


Struts up front on the vert seems good to me. Borderline Cadillac ride with decent stability. Not my style, but perfect for old people.

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