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Is my tranny on the way out?

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About 2 weeks ago I past the house I was supposed to stop at. So I stopped, put it in reverse and gave it some gas a little on the aggressive side but not flooring it or anything like that. All of a sudden the car started to shutter. I let off the gas and it seemed o.k. Well it happened again about a week later. Today I made a right turn and gunned it hard (cars were comming) and when it shifted into 2nd there was a clunk and the tires chirped. It didn't feel like it went into 2nd correctly so i let off the gas. I drove nice and calm the rest of the day because I didn't want to get stuck. It shifts smoothly under normal "driving Ms. Daisey" conditions. Now I'm afraid to get on it. I don't want the tranny to fall out. Could it be anything else?


first things first check the tranny fluid level, or how long has it been since fluid and filter has been changed. oh and that reverse thing happens to me too, if i barely give it gas it sounds normal, but any harder sounds like a grinding in the tranny, glad only in reverse no other probs, so far, don't know what else to say dude but hope its ok

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