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Need a double din radio

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Looking for a new double din radio. Truthfully, not all that much concerned if it is video or not (actually prefer not). Want something that isn't all too flashy. Single din's are killing me, and no 1.5 dins either. Not looking to spend a butt load of cash either.


Needs to have a few pre-amp outputs. Aux input would be a big plus too.


So far, these are the few that I have found-


http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_21600_Eclipse+CD1200G.html For the price, I could put one in the Xterra and one in the Regal, so Rachel could have an aux input as well (she would love that idea, and it's clean and simple to use too)


http://www.bestbuy.com/site/JVC+-+50W+x+4+MOSFET+Apple%26%23174%3B+iPod%26%23174%3B-/Satellite+Radio-/HD+Radio-Ready+CD+Deck/9784001.p?id=1218172863008&skuId=9784001 A bit more than I really want to spend, but the xxx610 model only has 1 output. I atleast need a non-fading and a subwoofer output.


Really haven't seen many other options that don't look like shit, or aren't shit brands.


Any other idea's?


Oh, and whatever my choice is will probably be made by tonight. Need it by the weekend (when I'm home to install it).


About a week ago I installed a JVC 610 (Cheaper one) in my Century. Plus all new speakers all the way around. I don't have subs and don't have plans for them (Been there, Done that) so the 610 works really well for my needs. I simply wanted better sound with Ipod controls.


Looking around I ran into the same problems you did. There aren't many options out there for double din that aren't touch screen dvd units, plus you are after more features than even I was so that is an even tougher find.


I think I may just go after the Eclipse. Cheap, good brand, has everything that I need. EQ sucks from what I understand, but oh well. Certainly not going for sound quality in the Xterra.


Ended up purchasing the Eclipse, for 2 big reasons.


#1- Looked like stock, but had pre-amp outputs

#2- Price. Eclipse is known good quality, and for the price, it was hard to beat.


Granted, the EQ is supposed to be blah, but I know I can tune around with it, especially since the speakers are all running on aftermarket amplifiers anyways.


I'll post pictures once it is installed, and give a quick review of it.

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