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FFP dogbones installed...

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i just installed the FFP dogbone and wit my messed up motor mounts, the only thing that is really holding the engine still is the dogbone and DAAAAAAAMMMMMMNNNNNNN!!! Im sitting down typing AND I CAN STILL FEEL the car vibrating like its one big washing machine...


aside of that i bought all the 3 lower engine/tranny mounts, came out to $119 for ANCHOR brand...gonna have them installed tomorrow...


I'm changing the title cause that's just plain wrong. You scared the shit out of me for a second!


no, i had put


Dogbone causes damage/Class Action Lawsuit V. FFP


i like yellow journalism :D

aside of that i bought all the 3 lower engine/tranny mounts, came out to $119 for ANCHOR brand...gonna have them installed tomorrow...

have fun when u gotta replace the ANCHOR ones

how come???


cause they are pieces of sh!t and dont last. I would only go with GM mounts.


:( :( :( :( :(


damn it! They already on the car!!! GRRR


How much are the GM mounts and anyone know the part #'s?


anchor are fine, the gm ones are just as good maybe a little better. i have had anchor on mine for 9,000 miles and no problems yet. and if you rode with me u would know that i abuse them and they are still holding up.


I had an anchor lower hydraulic mount last me 3 weeks. Stud broke right off the top of it and the fluid leaked out. This was with new upper mounts too. Have fun!

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