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Old's Intrigue leater seats


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The title says it all. I found some real good looking, and in good condition leather seats at a local junkyard. I think the year of the olds is either a 2000 to 2001. i want to pull the leather seats out and put it my '98 lumina. Are they direct swappable? I didn't know if the intrigues are considered W-body ( I should already know that) :eng101:



I would love to roll on some leather :dance:

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98 lumina is technically a 1.5 gen as they had different rear suspension and were the second generation lumina, but they share WAY more with the first gens then anything else. the intrigue is a second gen.

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Thanks White93z34, Has anyone attempted what I am trying to do. I'd love to hear your thoughts, before i jump in and really find out how bad I might have screwed my self. :think:

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The way the seat mounts to the car is completely different between the generations... The seconds gens have 2 bolts in the back holding the seat down, in the front they have a hook design which the seat must be lifted up from the back and lifted out at a forward angle... The first gen seats simply have 4 bolts holding it down

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I have tried it. I almost made it work but even then it was a hackjob.if you use the gen2 seats on gen1 tracks nothing lines up right. i wasted a perfectly good gen1 power seat track finding this out.

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Ok so i guess moral of the story is let it go? What a bummer I thought i could just use the old rail and slap it on the new seat. Well thanks guys for letting me know. I'm glad I didn't get all excited to only be dissapointed trying to put them in

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