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To the Guests


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If you visit the site and like what you see then register! Become a part of the family here :thumbsup:


I see most the users online are guests and once registered you can ask questions or post opinions to threads of interest. Every member counts and the more knowledge the better. If you are just starting out with a W-body car feel free to ask questions. All of us started somewhere and only by asking the questions will you learn. So take this invitation and hopefully we see more of you as members. :)



Edited by wickedbuick
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Most of the Guests are actually web bots.



Well if thats the case then the few visitors that come here and return for seconds should join. Robots are taking over our lives. Run!


P.S. Sticky this thread mods?

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Seconded. This forum has been a HUGE help to me in the short time ive been here.



Thats funny that your name on here is "visitor" lol Glad to have you onboard and that this forum is benificial to you. :thumbsup: Feel free to post when you have questions!

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Oh I do, Sometimes stupid questions im sure!



LOL It might be a simple question or common knowledge so using the search function helps a lot. I feel any question is worth getting asked and a nice answer is what makes the community grow, even if its to point to another thread. When you get an answer that makes you feel stupid for asking makes new/inexperienced users feel unwelcome I imagine. I ask questions all the time and I certainly give answers when I have one. :thumbsup:

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...When you get an answer that makes you feel stupid for asking makes new/inexperienced users feel unwelcome...


Hit the nail on the head Deia.


Seems to be more than enough of that going around.

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