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WHat are these parts?


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Hello, bought a project car (1993 gp ste). These parts are from the steering column.. I have MOST of it figured out (came to me with the steering wheel detatched) These parts are what i cannot figure out.. any help?




Here is the column-




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first picture is the peice that holds the long spring into the steering column the smooth side faces out its for the tilt steering column irc. the other peice is what goes on the very end under the horn pad to hold the nut in place. the spring goes into the hole by the ignition key you can use a Phillips screw driver to push the cover for the end into place. It has a notch at the very end where the little snap ring goes.

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Dang thought this got posted- which side of the spring goes TOWARD the ignition? the side of the spring with or without the plastic insert? and then the metal cap fits OVER that? The hog ring I understand. Thanks for the help so far, and look forward to your response here!

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the side with the plastic insert goes towards the ignition and the metal cap holds that in place it fits over the tight part of the spring. There are 2 notchs where it goes to push the spring in place. Also there is a pin in the steering column the spring sits on. I hope this helps.

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