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My car is stumbling when at idle, i have new plugs and i turned up the idle a little but i am unsure of what it could be. What can i try before i have to ask my dickheaded neighbor (Gm engineer) to use his scan tool, and have him lecture me about how the 3.1 and lumina were never meant for underdrive pulleys and coil overs and that i am wasting my money HELP GUYS thanks in advance Jay


I know i am being really vague but i don't what else i can tell ya


nope can you show me a pic of the IAC? i am a motor head but not with these damn sensors and shit! it's at the throttle body right?>

Thanks Robby


here u go. this looks 99% identical to my 3100...so im guessing the 3.4 should be similar also



Yeah how is that done robby, sorry to but in.


Just take it out, and see if the pintle and spring are covered in carbon. If so, just get some carb cleaner and get it off, and put it back in




thanks a lot guys hopefully rhis will work and i don't have to ask my dick headed neighbor to use his scan tool


there are also tolerances listed for IAC pintle length that you should be aware of.."The idle air control valve pintle must not extend more than 1 1/8''...also, replace the o-ring if it is brittle" I think that is so it doesn't extend to far into the cavity in which it resides moreso than to work properly.


where would i get a o ring for it? Is it just a universal size? is it flat on one side or is it totally round?


o ring comes with it when u buy it. or hell i couldve even used my old o-ring it looked just fine

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