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Ari's Oldsmobile.


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My mechanic isn't communicating very much, as expected, but last I heard, he's pricing engines in the area at the local parts places/junkyards. I hope Odette can be salvaged, because I really don't want to have to go through finding a new car, adjusting to a new car, having to register a new car, etc. and all the happy bullshit associated with getting another car. Plus, that means all the more time without wheels, and that fucks me over in the job department. As it is, if I could, I'd be renting a car right now, because not having wheels puts a huge damper on going where I have to for my enumerating job, and the last thing I need is for the Census Bureau to be up my butt again like the time Odette was getting her brake lines replaced. (Yes, my mom says I'm anthropomorphic, but that's just how I roll.) My mom can't let me use her car, and even if my mom's boyfriend let me use his car, I couldn't because I'm not that great at driving a standard, and a standard Subaru station wagon at that.

I'm not even complaining, just stating the situation, and the fact that I need my car back a.s.a.p.

However, the final decision is up to my mom. She says if it's well over $1,000, then it's bye bye to Odette. As much as that breaks my heart, I can understand the reasoning, since Kelly Blue Book prices the '98 Intrigue that I have at $1400 or so, and we've already spent about that much in maintenance.

My mechanic feels responsible and like a total shitbag, but I don't blame him. Since no one knows exactly how this could have happened, I'm just joking with everyone, saying that the official car of the X-Files is living up to its name. As far as I'm concerned, Honda loving aliens made Odette go boom. :roll:

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Anyway. I gave you some advice.. Now lets continue on that.


Anytime an engine blows on a older car its time to weigh whether its better to put in another engine which is not always cost effective but often is or whether you should scrap the car and look for another. Just a simple list of common questions can get you to the best route.


1- How many miles are on the Olds??

2- What condition? i.e. interior, body damage, rust

3- Any other known issues? (brakes, rust, suspension)

4- Do you have a steady job and how much do you have after bills are paid?

5- Credit score? Good deals can actually be had at even Buy Here Pay Heres!!


If the Olds has over 125K, its safe to assume the trans doesnt have a lot of life left in this. Gettin a low mileage engine/trans combo is the best bet. If the car is beat up a bit or has other issues, does resurrecting the car really mean much to you? If there are other issues or the car is kinda rough, its best to let it bite the dust. This is assuming you have a decent job or at least expendable income. There is no reason you should prolong a older car if you have enough money for a small car payment and can roll around in something worth more, looks nicer, and more reliable. A 2004 Impala can be had pretty damn cheap these days. Even at a Buy Here Pay Here kinda thing, you well under $300/month. (thats an example car)


So think about it!!

Edited by White93z34
no drama
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Anyway. I gave you some advice.. Now lets continue on that.


Anytime an engine blows on a older car its time to weigh whether its better to put in another engine which is not always cost effective but often is or whether you should scrap the car and look for another. Just a simple list of common questions can get you to the best route.


1- How many miles are on the Olds??

2- What condition? i.e. interior, body damage, rust

3- Any other known issues? (brakes, rust, suspension)

4- Do you have a steady job and how much do you have after bills are paid?

5- Credit score? Good deals can actually be had at even Buy Here Pay Heres!!


If the Olds has over 125K, its safe to assume the trans doesnt have a lot of life left in this. Gettin a low mileage engine/trans combo is the best bet. If the car is beat up a bit or has other issues, does resurrecting the car really mean much to you? If there are other issues or the car is kinda rough, its best to let it bite the dust. This is assuming you have a decent job or at least expendable income. There is no reason you should prolong a older car if you have enough money for a small car payment and can roll around in something worth more, looks nicer, and more reliable. A 2004 Impala can be had pretty damn cheap these days. Even at a Buy Here Pay Here kinda thing, you well under $300/month. (thats an example car)


So think about it!!


1: 121,000 miles

2: almost perfect besides engine (no rust no dents, only missing the chrome "Intrigue" letters on the back)

3: nope. just had those fixed

4: temp job with the Government (US Census Bureau) , currently looking for something permanant in phlebotomy

5: I'm not sure about this. Ari'll have to answer this one on her own.

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I will ban anyone who continues to shit up this thread. Funny how its always the same few people who can't not say something. Take the high road for a change.


Listen this is a thread about a INTRIGUE, we don't need to discuss the virtues of boobs here, we don't need to be Internet detectiveing other members. Keep it on topic.

Edited by White93z34
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With 122k miles, I would say there is a lot of life left in that beast. If the mechanic who gave it the OK before it blew up really does feel bad, then he should really be busting his ass to find a good motor on the cheap.


I would not hesitate to put another motor in that thing. I would also consider the LX5 as a replacement vs the L36. Rob (Irondog) would be able to advise you on the advantages/disadvantages of that.

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I agree at 122k miles it should have more life left in it. But it IS a older car now I would not be surprised if it eats a transmission at some point.


Even if it needs a new (used) engine at $700 and a transmission later on at $1400 that's like 5 months of new car payments at most. Cost to keep it in action should greatly outweigh cost of a car payment + insurance.

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Its the 4t65e aspect of it


The the engine barfed a rod at 120K, you better believe the trans and whatever else on the vehicle was never maintained correctly

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Its the 4t65e aspect of it


The the engine barfed a rod at 120K, you better believe the trans and whatever else on the vehicle was never maintained correctly


I had the same concerns, although I figured the mechanic that checked it out would have caught if the fluid looked old and burnt.

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Cars break stuff all the time, shit happens. Because a engine fails does not mean the whole car was treated like garbage its whole life.


but yeah 4t65s before 00' had a mess of issues. Then again I've seen several well into the 200k range without ever being apart.

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Back to the original post - I don't know if either of you are handy with cars, even a little bit, but the 3800s are not too difficult to remove from the Intrigues. Granted, if you have a couple jacks to get it in the air, it will definitely help, if not, not so easy. But either way, as others have said, it would probably be worth it to just get a newer, lower mileage tranny at the same time. Try calling Terryville Auto Parts in Terryville, CT, and talk to Frank... I've bought many Intrigue parts from him, and he's always had fair prices and good parts. If Frank doesn't have anything, try car-part.com - I know many yards in Mass and CT have cheap engines and transmissions!

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I see no reason not to fix this car. Mostly for the fact that $1200 was dumped into brake and fuel lines, I think now is the time to do it. Sure, every car is going to have it's trouble it doesn't matter if it's a jap car or whatever, they all break.


Fix it.

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FIX. even if you replaced the engine and had to do the tranny, you would still be better off than replacing the car.... which might get you another vehicle that needs as much work...

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FIX. even if you replaced the engine and had to do the tranny, you would still be better off than replacing the car.... which might get you another vehicle that needs as much work...


I agree.

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With 122k miles, I would say there is a lot of life left in that beast. If the mechanic who gave it the OK before it blew up really does feel bad, then he should really be busting his ass to find a good motor on the cheap.


I would not hesitate to put another motor in that thing. I would also consider the LX5 as a replacement vs the L36. Rob (Irondog) would be able to advise you on the advantages/disadvantages of that.


I agree. The Olds is in fine working order and I really don't want to get rid of her, no matter what. If I DIDN'T feel that way, I wouldn't have driven over 1,000 miles in a week in said vehicle! The mechanic, after trying to heavily suggest that I was racing (which in a residential area full of uptight, rich bitches with a highly enforced 35 mph speed limit en route to pick up my GRANDMA, any racing claims are completely ludicrous), said that he's ruling the whole ordeal as a freak accident. He swears that there's no way two connecting rods can break at 25 mph. So, with that said, I'm thinking of doing an engine swap in my free time, keeping Odette at my late father's house where no sane car thief would venture, and getting something as a daily driver. One of my mom's co-workers knows a guy that eats, breathes, and sleeps Pontiac Sunfires, and sells them (and Chevy Cavaliers) for a living, so, I'm thinking of tapping into my inner Pontiac Girl and getting a Sunfire. Sure, it's a J-body and the crash test ratings aren't great, but Odette needs a break.

Also, I don't know if either of these previous incidents are related, but the Olds started to act up a bit after the fuel line, brake lines, fuel filter, and I forget what else were replaced (my mechanic's handwriting is chicken scratch, so I'm not having the best time reading the receipt to remind myself):

Previous incident #1- I was driving uphill (REALLY steep hill), and the Olds was struggling a bit. It started bucking a bit, maybe even lurching forward a bit, and the check engine light came on. I think that was when I thought, "OH SHIT!" and changed to first gear, which started to sound kinda crappy, so I went back to drive when I reached level ground. The check engine light stayed on for a few hours, but when I let it rest for a few hours, it went off. I asked about it and was told that the car probably just wasn't used to the new fuel filter or something.

Previous incident #2- This happened before the engine went boom. If it wasn't mentioned already, then it is now. I was having issues with the Olds stalling when the rpm's went below 1,000. It was a ROYAL pain in the ass, and it was my first indication that something was wrong. Sadly, I didn't fully realize that it was urgent, and thought, "Well, I'm getting the oil and transmission fluid changed in a few weeks, I'll have my mechanic look at it then." Famous last words. I felt like such a dumbass. ::)

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If there are any left over, I'd like a broken connecting rod to make a keychain :laugh:



Sadly, the second connecting rod that broke off SHATTERED into pieces. If you want a fragment, I'll see if my mechanic still has them.

ALSO, even though my mechanic accused me of racing, he contradicted himself. He said that the cap the connecting rod was attached to would have been charred black if I'd been racing the Olds. The cap was bright and shiny, so I felt very vindicated. :D

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A bearing would never be black if it was due to accelerated wear or oil issues when raced.. Hell, it would never be black anyway.


I think its time to find a new mechanic.

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This mechanic sounds like a complete fucking retard.


I'm sorry if he's a friend, or a family member, but he needs to find a new job.

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This mechanic sounds like a complete fucking retard.


I'm sorry if he's a friend, or a family member, but he needs to find a new job.

I've been saying that forever. Unfortunately, Ari's mother won't let her use the mechanic I use, who we've known for 20+ years and our cars have never broken down immediately following any work he did on them. And I know Ari's mother will probably read this but I don't care at this point. Her boyfriend is a moron who tried saying the Olds didn't blow the motor and that the connecting rod he held in his hand was a broken motor mount when me, and 3 of my family member who've blown engines before said it was blown. He didn't believe me and said I didn't know jack-shit about cars until the mechanic looked at it and said the motor was blown. When a car blows a motor, you KNOW it's blown a motor. Yes I've been wrong a few times about cars. People usually are because they're human and make mistakes. I never thought, nor claimed to know all there is about cars

Edited by Z34guy
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  • 2 weeks later...
This mechanic sounds like a complete fucking retard.


I'm sorry if he's a friend, or a family member, but he needs to find a new job.



I agree. He's definitely high on my shitlist, seeing as how he caused a lot of dischord in my family and in my relationship by convincing my mom that Tom pulled out into oncoming traffic and almost got T-boned by a truck. First of all, that's a lie and I think he said that just because he doesn't like Tom and I because we think he messed up somewhere along the line and is too proud to admit it, second of all, I'm paying the prick to fix my car, not be a "moral" tattletale. However, my mom's boyfriend thinks the sun shines out of this guy's ass, so until I miraculously manage to get a job with a living wage, I won't be able to take it to someone more capable.

AJ's (Tommy's mechanic) I wouldn't mind going to, and haven't been able to because my mom has a vendetta against them, but I do have a friend whose cousin has his own garage in the next town over, and he specializes in GM cars, so I can check them out. Believe me, I see red every time I go by my current mechanic's place and see my Olds just sitting there (partially under a honeysuckle bush, so it's all covered in pollen now...because that's JUST how brilliant this man is :hurr:) when I need it really badly.

I looked at a Pontiac Aztek (mom's iffy on it), and have been trying to get in contact with the guy who sells Sunfires to no avail, but honestly, I don't really want a second car. I don't even mean to be whiney about it, but I want my car. My mom changes her mind with the wind, so one minute she's determined to get the engine replaced, but then the next she's in "bitch mode" and wants to just get me a Hyundai and say, "To hell with you, this is what you get, live with it." Then I threaten to drive the hypothetical Hyundai off a cliff, and that never ends well, so, it looks like the Olds is going to sit until the miraculous day that I manage to get enough money to get a new engine installed.

If it were up to me (which it rarely is), I'd get an L67 for it, or a 4.0/4.9L Northstar (so that I could basically have an Aurora under the hood, yet still have my Intrigue which has much better styling than the Aurora). The L67 is well within my capabilities to live with, yet as much as the Northstar makes me worry that I'd be biting off more than I can chew, I like some of the perks that Northstars have.

But for the time being, unless something gives, this is all just a pipe dream. C'est la vie, just figured I'd give an update. :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since sleep is evading me, I might as well post an update.

For those who know the sad news, skip to the end, for those who don't, well, here's the synopsis:


Remember Tommy's sister's wrecked Grand Prix? It's mine to use for parts...but only because she passed away yesterday. It's just bad...I'm not even going to say it's bittersweet, because that would be an insult. Ugh, I feel so horrible about it. I wanted my Olds back, but never like this. I hope my mechanic is willing to do the job, and not be a stick in the mud just because it's not an identical car. Transporting the GTP to the mechanic is going to require more dealings with AAA, but c'est la vie. I felt guilty even when Tommy handed the key to me.

Ugh...well...that's it for now.

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Since sleep is evading me, I might as well post an update.

For those who know the sad news, skip to the end, for those who don't, well, here's the synopsis:


Remember Tommy's sister's wrecked Grand Prix? It's mine to use for parts...but only because she passed away yesterday. It's just bad...I'm not even going to say it's bittersweet, because that would be an insult. Ugh, I feel so horrible about it. I wanted my Olds back, but never like this. I hope my mechanic is willing to do the job, and not be a stick in the mud just because it's not an identical car. Transporting the GTP to the mechanic is going to require more dealings with AAA, but c'est la vie. I felt guilty even when Tommy handed the key to me.

Ugh...well...that's it for now.

It was either give it to you since the engine is fine and works with absolutely no problem or send it to a junkyard where who knows what will happen to a good car. At ;least the car is getting a second chance at life, albeit in a different w-body body, but still....

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