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TGP VIN database - website inside!


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I don't see any gray interior ones yet.


My list is only early production 1990's so far. The earliest gray interior car I have marked down in somewhere in the 240,XXX or 250,XXX if I remember correctly.

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  • 5 months later...

After a few months hiatus, I've finally started slowly working on the TGP vin project again. I just updated the website w/ 43 more cars:  I expect to add about the same amount within a few days...

Edited by mfewtrail
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whenever you are ready I can round up at least 5 vin numbers for you.


Send them my way whenever you get a chance to Chris.:thumbsup:


I just added 66 more TGP's to the list. There was another "zero" record car in the latest batch.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 9 months later...

Bringing this back from the dead. After a recent private message, I've got a bit of a renewed interest in getting some more cars added to the list. I will not be putting a lot of time into this so progress will be at a snails pace. I may update the online list once every month or two. At these updates, there's only likely to be a few cars added.


If any of the more tech-savvy people here have ideas on automating the process covered on the first page or two, I would definitely appreciate some input.

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  • 2 weeks later...

heres some vins i found starting at the end of your list, zero record car below means as it says



· VIN:1G5WP14V2LF224946



· VIN:1G5WP14V8LF224949

0 record car


· VIN:1G5WP14V8LF224952

0 record car



· VIN:1G5WP14V2LF224963



· VIN:1G5WP14V8LF224966

0 record car



· VIN:1G5WP14V2LF224977



· VIN:1G5WP14V2LF224980

0 record car

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None of those are real cars. Read through my instructions carefully or else you're going to waste a lot of time. :thumbsup: If you need any better explanation, it may be easier for me to explain in the forum chatroom some time.

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  • 4 months later...



I found this one this morning before reading the board. :lol: Highest legit VIN number I've seen for TGP so far I think.



I've had a few PM's about the VIN list lately: The online list is not a full list. I have more on my offline list. So far I've just been adding the ones to the list that I'm finding in sequence when doing my carfax search method.


If anyone that has read my explanation of how I'm finding them via carfax and thinks they know of a way to automate the process, please let me know. I haven't worked on the list much because it's downright tedious/boring/time consuming to type all of these numbers.

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Do you think you could upload the incomplete aggregate list alongside the ordered list? I was about to give you my VIN again before I realized only 500 cars are on that list, so there's more of a problem than just not having my TGP on there. :lol:

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The TGP VIN project is still ongoing. I have 2,742 1990 coupes now. I know 2,749 exist, but I'm not quite sure yet where those 7 that I'm missing are. I don't believe I've skipped any in my data sets with the last method that I ran through them. That being said, I'm speculating that carfax might not have responded at just the right moments causing it to skip vins at that time. I know I witnessed the program momentarily hang every now and then. I'm honestly not sure if it didn't report it's findings during the hang or around the time of it. I'm going to make one more pass through the entire list using excel to duplicate or find the real vins for me and check them off one-by-one later this week. I don't have high hopes of finding seven more as-is. If that's the case when I'm done, I plan to re-run the program and grab all of them again. A simple comparison between the number of vins it produces the second time around for any given number range should tell me whether it potentially missed cars or not. I did end up with 5 odd vins at the end of the production range and I'm not sure exactly what to think about them. Carfax nor compnine recognize them as real vins but they got duplicated on my list as if they were real. Even if those five were somehow real, that still doesn't add up to the 2,749 compnine says exist.




Turbo V Sick is working on the 1989 list. He's up to 731 of those. Both him and I are taking a short break from it as it's rather time consuming sorting all this out(especially how we were going about it to start with).



I will update this post again soon. If anyone wants a copy of the list in the meantime, let me know, I do not mind sharing it. Be aware that my master list is only in a simple text document at the moment and that some of the individual information about the cars could be incorrect until I get around to completing the list. Eventually I will need to run all the 1990's through compnine to verify the options/info for them. By the way, disregard any number I told you for your car until I'm done with the list as they're very likely incorrect at this point.



Huge thanks to Skitchin for providing the program. It's saved me countless hours. :thumbsup:

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So glad I could help out on this awesome project! Just out of curiosity, did you run any of the serial number range through the latest version of the program I sent you? It had some pretty basic but untested code to try and recover from connection timeouts, though if the page half-loads for some reason it is still possible for the connection to hang up and potentially skip a VIN check.


I also may have found a way around the HTTPS/SSL issue. I need some time to mess with it but there's software that will act as a proxy and allow me to view the pages over a non-secure channel. I already have another version of the VIN tool which will scrape the results pages for number of records and such. Hopefully I can get that figured out before you guys dive back in, who knows what kind of time it could shave off the search for those elusive 7 VINS.

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