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Finally got my first TGP Project Car! I need some help? runs rough?

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are you speaking x-over to turbo and turbo to downpipe gaskets? if so there is no gaskets needed for that.. 2 machined surfaces do not need gaskets and do not leak..:thumbsup:


Are you serious? I have never heard of not using a gaskets on an exhaust/Turbo and Turbo/Downpipe

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Nope, there are no gaskets used on the mating surfaces of the turbo.


Yep.. They use, what I believe to be called, a flange cup, it is its own gasket thru the curve of the metals.

Yep.. They use, what I believe to be called, a flange cup, it is its own gasket thru the curve of the metals.



really? on the turbo? or do you mean the manifold-to-x-over??. I have heard of people getting the x-over resurfaced. I have the steel gasket for the x-over-to-turbo flange. it was in the box with the gt2871r I bought used. I might use it if I see any black marks on the mating surfaces.


I would have to go out to my car and look to be sure, but I cant do that since I am 1000 miles away from it. But I beleive its the manifold to x-over that has the flange cup.


transmission and engine are in the car. i changed out the coil packs and ICM with a used one. now the car idles excellent and the throttle is much more responsive and rapid. the car boost and runs well. It will roost the heck out of the tires in first but in second gear/ sometimes third the engine just cuts out like fuel cut or something, i let off the gas and can continue to drive while coasting.


is this injector issues or fuel pump?? also i only have about 4 gallons of gas in there, is there problems with the gas shifting around?


I dont wanna pull off my intake just to check the injector or dick with it if thats not the issue? how can i test this withour removing intake.


Also how to test fuel pump and pressure? the pump is loud, is this normal?


what other sensors should i check at this point?


does anyone have a link to engine codes or procedure to pull the codes??


Thanks again guys, I'll keep you posted with the progress and diagnostics.


You can start by OHM checking 2 injectors without taking the manifold off. The front drivers side injector, next to the oil fill, and the one on the rear bank, right next to the power steering pump. Start there, and if 1 of them is bad, you know you probly have others bad.


I am not sure if you can OHM check them in reverse thru the plug at those injectors to see if you can test 2 at the same time. The OHM reference would be 24, but since the other end of the wire is still connected, you might get a wrong reading.


Miss is gone, the car rages and then fuel cuts if more than half throttle, the car now sometimes starts and idles crappy for a second or two and stalls. also the fuel pump is loud and sounds grinds. so....


I decided to just splurge and buy some yellow top injectors and a walbro 255 fuel pump:dance:

I have the injectors in the mail and i need to buy the pump. nowhere locally has the part and the walbro distributors are not open on the weekend so i need to wait til monday. I found the fuel pump on extremepsi.com for $80 is this a reputable website?


Also, I am assuming I just plug in these injectors and fuel pump with no additional parts? is this true?


Also, if the computer was chipped, where do i check? inside of the car or under the hood ECM?


are these TGP ECMs specific or just 3.1l?? mine looks as if it was replaced? does anyone know part no?


thanks for all the help in advance guys!



the ECMs are not turbo specific. its just the chip inside that is. I'll take a picture of one of my Topgun160s to show what it looks like later tonight.


did you do the idle learn procedure correctly where you pull the ecm fuse and replace it then start the car cold and let it run until the rad fan starts and stops?


sorry for the run on sentence :P

Also, I am assuming I just plug in these injectors and fuel pump with no additional parts? is this true?


The only difference with the injectors that's noteworthy is that you will need to slip the fuel rail injector clips on the top slot on the yellow tops. Lube up the o-rings with petroleum jelly or oil and they will slide into the rail and intake manifold a lot easier. There's a writeup on installing a Walbro fuel pump at the TGPForums located here: http://www.tgpforums.com/index.php/topic,3222.0.html It appears that the pictures no longer work, but it's a pretty self-explanatory job anyway. If you need any visual aids, I can grab you some from the factory service manual.




Pic of my tp160. You can see the sticker through the hole.

did you do the idle learn procedure correctly where you pull the ecm fuse and replace it then start the car cold and let it run until the rad fan starts and stops?


sorry for the run on sentence :P


I have disconnected the battery cable and then let the car relearn its self. is this the same as pulling the fuse? also when relearning should i have the A/C and heater off i assume??



Pic of my tp160. You can see the sticker through the hole.


again, i have asked here and on TGP forums, asking where is the location of the computer! damn does anyone have a service manual in PDF, please let me know:think:

again, i have asked here and on TGP forums, asking where is the location of the computer! damn does anyone have a service manual in PDF, please let me know:think:


I'll get u a scan from my service manual before this weekend is over.


The ecm is underneath the black plastic "beauty cover" on the passenger side of the engine compartment.


What he said. The passenger side, under the hood, under the fuse panal there. There is a black plastic beauty cover on the side, next to the serpentine belt. You take that off, and the computer is right there.

What he said. The passenger side, under the hood, under the fuse panal there. There is a black plastic beauty cover on the side, next to the serpentine belt. You take that off, and the computer is right there.


okay? i was confused i assumed that the ECM was under the hood and the computer that is chipped is in the car cabin. so you guys are saying that there is only the ECM and that i need to open up the ECM to see if its chipped in there? is there a tutorial to chip a computer yourself?


also I need need a service manual, is there PDFs? or do i just need to buy the turbo supliment manual off of ebay. is there a different, more thorough shop manual?

okay? i was confused i assumed that the ECM was under the hood and the computer that is chipped is in the car cabin. so you guys are saying that there is only the ECM and that i need to open up the ECM to see if its chipped in there? is there a tutorial to chip a computer yourself?


also I need need a service manual, is there PDFs? or do i just need to buy the turbo supliment manual off of ebay. is there a different, more thorough shop manual?


Yes one computer. You should need a 10mm wrench socket to get it off. To see if it is chipped, open up the access panel on the top of the computer case and look inside. That blue chip is right inside. All you would need to do to chip it is simply tug on the one in there till it comes out and replace that chip with said new super duper awesome chip.


I just replaced the chip in my Z34 a couple weeks ago with one from WO-Tech and the whole job took about 10 mins. That was taking the coolant resevoir out, unbolting the computer, opening the rear panel, popping the old chip out and replacing it with the new one, then putting everything back together. It is a very easy and straight forward job, you shouldn't have any problems at all.


yep, just remember the coolant reservoir is beside the battery on TGP's, and there's and black plastic cover over top the ECM instead.


PM has been sent with pics of the ECM removal/installation section of the Factory Service Manual.

If anyone is interested I can post the links here too.

It really is an easy job though, the instructions in the manual don't really bring anything to the table that has not been mentioned above.

yep, just remember the coolant reservoir is beside the battery on TGP's, and there's and black plastic cover over top the ECM instead.


Worst coolant reservoir placement EVER!


Okay guys, I am going to look at the computer now, I will be back in a few minutes with an update to see if chipped.


But I keep asking? how do I program my own chips? i dont want to pay an absorbent price for a chip that simply pops in. I want to make my own chip or if i am buying from someone else i want the ability to tune my chip myself, I want options and tuning:shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug:

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