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Water rushing sound...


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On my 06 Monte, I noticed an interesting symptom today... When I first start it up, I hear what sounds like water running in the passenger side of the dash (at least it sounds like its coming from that area when inside the car)... If you rev it, you get the same sound as soon as you let off... After the car warms up a tad (30 seconds to a minute), it stops doing it... Is this a normal thing? I never noticed it before today...

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I doubt they did it then... To flush the heater core, the lines on the back of the motor to the heater core need to come off then use a hose to flush the fluid out... We used a high pressure hose at work

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OR just fix the gasket problem. Moms monte did the same thing and all the air seems to collect there, so it will just keep happening until the HG is replaced.


Moms hasn't done it since

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yeah you're getting air in the system. Flushing it won't fix the problem.


I think it might be because the tank is really low at the moment... I need to buy another jug of Dex-Cool and fill it back up.. I'm hoping to get the gaskets done sometime soon, but it isn't a top priority at the moment since the leak is so small...

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I added more coolant and the issue seems to have gone away... When it was cold, pretty much all the antifreeze was gone from the bottle (how the air was getting in I think), and as it got warmer it was filling back up to a closer to normal level... I know the head gaskets need done, but I can't find where it is leaking all this coolant from... I do know it smells like coolant by the passenger door after you shut the car off, and right by the overflow bottle smells like coolant, but I can't find anywhere else under the hood that smells like antifreeze...

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Check the timing cover for leaks. Mine was leaking and it was not easy to find the problem.


It's probably the coolant crossover or the head gasket on the passenger rear corner, but you can't see anything in that area on this motor...

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Have the coolant system pressure tested.........both cold & hot.


Doesnt need to.


Buck, Me, and him already know the 3500s will have headgaskets and coolant crossover gasket issues. They both end up causing external leaks.



And yeah, just coolant through the heater core and air in there is making noise. Fill the system again and let it bleed a little bit and just get the headgaskets done sometime. Ive been putting off doing my GFs 06 Impy since the leak is indeed sooo small.

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