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What should I do with this car?


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put full coverage on it and set it on fire


Fraud/arson.... way to help a guy out, lmao (free useless post FTW)


I say part it out and make as much of the $900.00 off of it as you can, pay it off, learn your lesson and move on. Shit happens, sometime you just have to learn the hard way. Just be lucky it was only a $900.00 lesson, could have been worse.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do with it either way.

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not to mention when the insurence company comes out to apraise it for there records it would only be worth about 300 and one he paied the deductible if he got away with it he would be out even more money LOL

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This was no 900 dollar mistake... We paid 4000 for the car in August of 07 and I drove it 4000 miles and gave it to them... I received 200 from them in the 2 years they had it... I made all the payments still

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Well I can't just walk away... Its sitting in my dads driveway... Also... We owe 900 on it still


So you owe money on it, the new 'owners' owed money to you and didn't pay, anyone else in on this? :lol:

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This was no 900 dollar mistake... We paid 4000 for the car in August of 07 and I drove it 4000 miles and gave it to them... I received 200 from them in the 2 years they had it... I made all the payments still


Ok so it was more then a $900.00 dollar mistake. But in all reality it is still the same situation, just more of an expensive mistake to learn from is all. I am sure you will never do it again.

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There's no way in hell you're getting the $900 back for it now, have them repo it off of you.





Everyone's gone on about the how you got screwed, etc. I think that you tried to do a really honourable thing, and what this family did what a kick in the face, not even so much the whole not paying you part, but beating the shit out the car that you graciously provided them with. If that were me, I'd never be able to look you straight in the eyes again, I'd feel lower than scum (and I say that, thinking that you "gave" the car to me, not that you sold it).

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Yah, I would have repoed it sooner but I felt like it was a dick move since it was there only car... Well Ill make the last couple payments and deal with it when I go back in May

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Time and time again, I have found that being honorable and generous basically just sets you up for an ass kicking, regardless of whether it's a stranger, an acquaintance, a friend, or a family member. People don't learn from it and pay it forward. Instead, they think "ooooOOOooohh.....another sucker to take advantage of", and turn into leaches, sucking you dry. It's actually seen as a weakness on your part, and unfortunately, there are way too many people who would love to exploit that weakness.

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Very Very Tue post^^^ Oh well... The car will sit until late May when I make it back to Ohio again... It is in Van Wert Ohio if anyone wants to look at it.


I need the address, so rob and I can borrow a flatbed, haul it to the scrapper, and get $300.

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