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car wont start battery has juice

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i woke up dismornin to goto work to find out my car wont start so i get to work said i need to go home earlie so i can work on my car i try again no luck tried jumpin it no luck i put on a battery charger with meter that tells u how much juice the battery has n its bout 3/4 full so i dunno i checked all my fuses the all seem to look fine n i mean nothin works in my car my dash wont light up my dome light my headlights i dont even get a chime im guessin bad alternator or starter but i havent seen or noticed n sighns of wear or them going out neone else have ne idears


From your description, it sounds like the car isn't turning over at all. If that is the case and your meter shows the battery has charge, then I would suggest checking/cleaning the battery contacts. Especially if you don't have any interior lights. I would put a volt meter across the battery to measure it's voltage first. If the voltage is considerably lower than 12.6v, you have a dead/dying battery.


What was the actual VOLTAGE of the battery??


Does absolutely NOTHING work, or just the things you mentioned?


From what you say, the only thing that even makes sense is that the battery is NOT connected properly. Because the fact that your dash lights, head lights, door chime etc. do NOT work at all means they're all not getting power. The exact same thing would happen if you just took the battery completely out of the car. All of these electrical items are on different circuits, and not all of them are using the same fuse, unless there's somehow a "MAIN POWER" fuse or something?


I guess I don't really know what to recommend next? All I can say is that I don't think it's a charging or starting system problem at all, or the battery itself. Even if the battery didn't have enough amperage to start the car, all other shit would work fine.


i checked everysinglke fuse in my car they all r fine


i drove home lat night everythin was fine i wake up dismornin my car dont start n yes the car aint turning over at all


it is a brand new battery(s) i had installed like 2-3 month ago(i dont exacly remmber) n i dont got a thing that says exacly how many volts it gots it just tellss me the percent


Have you checked all of your Ground Wires? They go bad WAY more often than the Power Wires.


There are 2 that you should check. They are the "Engine Block - Frame", and the "Frame - Battery Negative".


There's just NOTHING else that makes sense here...it HAS to be a bad connection or ground SOMEWHERE...


were to i look for these grounds n what other grounds should i look for (its fuckin pooring outside i wanna kno exacly where everythin is)


Just follow the cable coming from the Battery Negative to the Frame of the car...


Has it been raining since you woke up this morning? The fact that you say it's pouring rain out makes it even MORE obvious that there's a poor connection somewhere that is being greatly affected by wetness and moisture...


If you have any 8 gauge or bigger(4, 2, 1/0 etc.) than what you can do is just try to "re-ground" the battery by holding one end against the battery's negative(-) post and the other end to the frame/chassis and/or engine block(plenum) and have someone crank the engine or just sit inside and see if any lights come ON...


befo u said nethin i traced the ground to the engine block n played with it a lil bit then treid starting it up n it started right up took me less then a min thank you


have you removed the battery connections, cleaned off all of the corrosion and then reattatched them? I had to do that when mine wasn't getting power

Guest RedCutlassSL

hazmatic, your typing is slipping again, you were doing good, good to the point where i'd read your posts, but now, AAARGH MY EYES!!

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