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Oil pressure gauge pegged low this morning..Update -- Now Diagnosed

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Car was running fine, looked at the dash and all was normal. About a block later as I put it in park, looked down and it was showing CHECK GAGES. Alt was putting out 14 volts, full of fuel, running at 180..oil pressure gauge in the red on the low side.


Wondering if I have an electrical problem because the gauge relies on a steady electrical signal from what I hear.


Kind of sounds like the 98 S-10 we had at work. The Pressure gauge worked when it was cold. Once it warmed up, it acted more like a tach than a pressure gauge. At idle it would go to zero and the check gauges light would come on. Driving though it would be fine. It passed inspection like this, it was never low on oil, and it always had several hundred miles put on it every week, sometimes around a hundred a day (it had 216,000 miles on it when we closed). It always bothered me but it didn't have any other issues, the oil was always full, no milkyness or any evidence of a headgasket failure. Ultimately I think we decided it was a bad gauge or a sending unit.


Yeah but the S10 had a functional oil pressure gauge. This one is fake. It was still running fine and all though.


Hopefully the sending unit got grounded out or something :dunno:


Kind of sounds like the 98 S-10 we had at work. The Pressure gauge worked when it was cold. Once it warmed up, it acted more like a tach than a pressure gauge. At idle it would go to zero and the check gauges light would come on.


normal. when the oil is hot, the speed of the motor has a LOT to do with oil pressure. the oil pump displaces an exact amount of oil every revolution and higher flow in the same amount of area to run means more pressure due to resistance to flow.


Did you take a hard turn?


The oil pressure in my 89 will drop to nothing with really hard left turns


Did you take a hard turn?


The oil pressure in my 89 will drop to nothing with really hard left turns


Nope, real easy turn. Under 15MPH. It was a left though.


How low does the oil pressure have to be to trigger the gauge to peg low and trigger the light?


How low does the oil pressure have to be to trigger the gauge to peg low and trigger the light?


on a 94 cutty 3.4? ~4PSI according to alldata.


Damn it. It sounds terrible. Something oil related is seriously messed up right now :bawling1:


My Lumina had an oil gauge instead of a volt meter. It never worked. Every oil change would give drastically different readings depending on the temperature and oil brand.


Damn it. It sounds terrible. Something oil related is seriously messed up right now :bawling1:


It's running terrible?


You haven't mentioned yet if you've actually checked your oil level. Also make sure you don't have a Hastings filter on it - I've seen them plug completely and they don't seem to have bypass valves!


First thing I'd do is check the oil level. And stop driving it, although it sounds like damage is probably already done.


Checking the oil was the first thing I did. It was right on the money. Didn't check the filter, but (and I know this doesn't make it invinsible) it has an AmsOil filter rated for 25k / one year with about 5k on it.


I defenitely stopped driving it..I'm dumb mechanically but not that dumb :lol:


I was thinking oil pump or clogged oil passage somewhere. Not sure. But it was trailered to my mechanic's house. I'll have pics up sometime.


I had something similar happen once with my old '64 Galaxie, a piece of debris (old valve stem seal) had gotten into the oil pump, and held the pressure relief valve open...result, almost no oil pressure.


I've seen similar things happen before..it may be the pressure relief valve has failed, or the oil pump itself is no longer producing sufficient volume.


In the case of that old Ford, I simply replaced the oil pump. Drove it 25,000 miles after that, with no problems.


But, as they say, "your mileage may vary"..




One of my lifters sheared off. That's what was clogging the oil filter, causing the oil deprivation. Currently being fixed, not sure when I'll have it back. Will probably be quite a while though.

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