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well i got the car back


but honestly from the bottom of my heart...the car dead wit a busted timing belt, DEAD, ran BETTER than these dumbass's left it...my dad is pissed. $700 fucking buxs for shit!!!


1st thing i notice is the engine shaking violently like seizures


2nd on driving it it in low gears, the whole dash and steering wheel SHAKE VIOLENTLY!


3rd at highway miles the car drops gears very harshly and upshifts harshly too feels like the engine is gonna pop out of the engine bay...


4 there is this whining sound like a whi9ning sound!!!


5th the damn car backfires when i accelerate


keep in mind they took the engine out to inspect and rpelace the chain driving the intermediate shaft (inspected that too), so could i possibly be an exhaust leak?



im thinking they didnt time it well.... TELL ME WAT YOU HINK IS WRONG ??


Redfox, Vegeta, Vegeta Jr :lol: , anyone, i will pay you 600 buxs to fix it for me!! (though you gotta pay the plane ticket to and back my town 8) lol, j/k


maybe they didn't properly re-attach all the vacuum lines or something?


and it's probably out of time too...


whoever u took it to, go back, dont leave till they fix the problem for free.


they say no, call a lawer.




i would have to say timing just like everyone else


i think what happend was that they did not line the gears up right or thought they did and a gear sliped when they put the belt on


i would take it back for sure have them fix it and tell them you want $300 or more back on the job


i am very surprised they gave it back in the condision it is in


thats my .02


good luck


let us know how it turns out

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