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ok well yesterday morning i got into my sis's car started it up and put it in reverse and pressed the gas and nothin happend.... i checked for the Ebrake it, it was off... then i put it in drive, nothing... I then put it in nutrual and tired to push it nothing happend anyone have any idea whats up??.... i think its the transmission or breaks...... (oh yea where is the transmission on these things??)


ok first of all is it a w-body? what year? if it is FWD it will be under the air box in the engine compartment


when you put it in gear and it just reved its the tranny


but if it jerked it is the brakes if it is a w-bady it will probly be the back breaks


hope this helps


good luck


So the motor runs good it just revs up when you try to put it in gear? Have you checked the tranny fluid in it?



ok first of all is it a w-body? what year? if it is FWD it will be under the air box in the engine compartment


when you put it in gear and it just reved its the tranny


but if it jerked it is the brakes if it is a w-bady it will probly be the back breaks


hope this helps


good luck


I have a 93 Lumina Euro


check my sig. ok good i thought my transmission, differential and rear axle fell off :D i guess it is the transmission does anyone know what kind of transmission i have?? how hard would it be changing the transmission?? (i do have experience with trans swap but not with this kind of trans swap)


You either have a 4T60E or a 4T60. They used both in 93. It could be the torque converter has completely broken, but I doubt that




na my sister killed it she drove it with low VERY low trans fluid and a leak the gears on it are probably worn bald (i'm not real sure i think i found the trans but why are the axles sticking out of it and why is the bell housing curved to the side??? man i hate new cars)

na my sister killed it she drove it with low VERY low trans fluid and a leak the gears on it are probably worn bald


Not always. Try topping it off with fluid, and if it engages and moves, you're in luck.

From there, change the fluid ASAP to save yourself from a dead tranny.


- Erik

You either have a 4T60E or a 4T60. They used both in 93. It could be the torque converter has completely broken, but I doubt that




how do i know if i have at 4T60E or 4T60 and what cars can i pull them out of


Trust me its dead

how do i know if i have at 4T60E or 4T60 and what cars can i pull them out of


Check the RPO codes in trunk.

You'll want to locate all the ones that start with "M".

Then compare with W-Body.com - RPO Decoder.


- Erik

You either have a 4T60E or a 4T60. They used both in 93. It could be the torque converter has completely broken, but I doubt that




how do i know if i have at 4T60E or 4T60 and what cars can i pull them out of


Trust me its dead


crawl under the edge of the car and look at the transmission fluid pan, it should be stamped w/ the model you have..to my knowledge, most/all 93's are 4T60-E's though, all the ones I've seen were anyways..but it should be stamped...I believe some remanufactured pans aren't stamped...anyways, good luck

ok first of all is it a w-body? what year? if it is FWD it will be under the air box in the engine compartment


when you put it in gear and it just reved its the tranny


but if it jerked it is the brakes if it is a w-bady it will probly be the back breaks


hope this helps


good luck


I have a 93 Lumina Euro


check my sig. ok good i thought my transmission, differential and rear axle fell off :D i guess it is the transmission does anyone know what kind of transmission i have?? how hard would it be changing the transmission?? (i do have experience with trans swap but not with this kind of trans swap)


oh ok cause you said this

i got into my sis's car started it up


i wasn't sure if it was yours or not


yea sorry the 93 lumina is my sisters car and she is letting my use it while my camaro is fuked up

  • 3 months later...

well to update my car is still fucked up 3+months and $1600 its still fucked up well this is the problem now. When i pop in drive rev it up to 2k RPM it wont shift i rev it to 3k RPM still wont shift i let off the gas and the quickly press it and suddenly it will shift. Any ideas

well to update my car is still fucked up 3+months and $1600 its still fucked up well this is the problem now. When i pop in drive rev it up to 2k RPM it wont shift i rev it to 3k RPM still wont shift i let off the gas and the quickly press it and suddenly it will shift. Any ideas


What has been done to the tranny and what was that $1600 has been used for?


ok we had a j/y trans swap ($350) in and that worked for a little while but then died so then we had the original rebuilt ($600) and then that is what i have now and it is shit. Ok well to begin with my dad had a friend that said he would do the work for free if we paid for the trans well that went to hell we returned the trans but only got credit which we gave to the mechanic. Then put in the original trans, the one i have in right now and it fucked. The rest of the money went to small stuff like towing expensise, insurance that we were still paying while my car wasnt running, trans fluid (that we spilled alot of) etc.........



P.S. Yes I know i'm stupid no one else has to state it. I could have spent probably less if i gotten it professionaly installed and warranted. Thats gone, money burnt to hell and now i need a way to fix it now. Can anyone help me??

well to update my car is still fucked up 3+months and $1600 its still fucked up well this is the problem now. When i pop in drive rev it up to 2k RPM it wont shift i rev it to 3k RPM still wont shift i let off the gas and the quickly press it and suddenly it will shift. Any ideas


I just saw this....I take it you spent $1600 to have it rebuilt?


(please say u didnt goto aamco)


ok, $4-500 too high but water under the bridge. Now, is it an E model or not? if e-model - then you have a warranty claim, they have crap in the shift solenoid path. if not e model - did anyone bother to adjust the tv cable?


here is a quick and dirty:


make sure the cable is hooked up, squeeze the pinch and push the sheath allllllll the way back from the TB. let go of the pinch. get in car. do not start. quickly, as if you were trying to race rice, mash the pedal to the floor, all the way to the floor, let up.


start, drive, report back


read the post above yours i gave a price list and what i have done so far. Also yeat it is a 4T60-E, i will check the shift solenoid (your the 2nd person to mention that)



read the post above yours i gave a price list and what i have done so far. Also yeat it is a 4T60-E, i will check the shift solenoid (your the 2nd person to mention that)




I would try wiring up the solenoids to toggle switches or the like, there was a post about using switches to shift by controlling the solenoids a while back if you do a search..you'll probably want a decent wiring diagram to determine the right wires to splice into on the electrical plug on the tranny..in the post, I believe brian89gp explained how to use the switches to shift to each gear. That way, you should be able to determine if the solenoids are in proper working order or if you have some other problem.


i can manualy switch gears (i.e. 1 to 2 to D to d) and that works


I'll look at that switch shift

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