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Well Im doing some more research for the new turbo engine setup and found a nice set of cometic head gaskets to use. Now the problem is that the engine is an 89 and the gaskets are listed for a 96- 05. What are the differences in these gaskets and can they be used on an 89 3.1L LHO-LG5 motor? I was thinking of using these because of the boost issue and I had a nice set of felpros blow out on me. If not these what else could I use in place?





96-05? That's an odd range if they're referring to a 3.1 or 3100. Are you sure that's not for a 3400?


Also what's the installed thickness of them?


Something isnt right in that listing.


Didnt 60* used to sell MLS headgaskets?


off Cometics website:


1996-05 3.1L 60 Degree V6 LHS 90 MLS/C.O.T. - .051" C5220-051 1 $97.65

1996-05 3.1L 60 Degree V6 RHS 90 MLS/C.O.T. - .051" C5221-051 1 $97.6


I just looked on the 60degreev6 website and found that they sell them in all different sizes for $150. For what quench I need I have absolutely no clue.


-WrathOfSocrus- Yeah I thinking that should work because some people have inter-changed the top end. I guess the block, bolt holes, and coolant locations are all the same


Did you run the engine lean or something? You really shouldn't have an issue with Fel-Pro gaskets and a stock turbo(or even bigger) unless you get some detonation or there's an issue with the sealing surfaces.


Got any pictures of those blown gaskets?


I haven't disassembled the engine as of yet but I will put up a build post. Im basically redoing the entire car. It was misfiring a little bit do to a bad coil and the gapping of the plugs. That could have killed it


I'll vouch for Cometic making a good product. I've run them in almost every motor I've rebuilt with no problems.

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