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Ok so today i decided since ive been putting around town in my 92 lumina 3.1 to final take her out of town and local area to peatone IL which ive been to many times in my old 2.2 reliant wagon. well made it up there pretty nice doing 65/70 MPH (im a bit of a lead foot). well i go in do my shopping and just hanging out drooling over the hemi chargers the mall has on display and i go out car cranks right over and im on my way and i stop at a stop sign and turn my blinker on and all that. well with my radio loud as usual i didn't notice the car had died out so i turn my radio down and look at the dash and am like did it really die out .well it did so i try to crank it back over to start it well it does nothing no cranking over at all tho i hear actuating so i pull the hood look around some not knowing anything about the GM 3.1 i burned myself on the exhaust manifold reaching for the coil pack. i made sure all were snug and got in and she started and made it home with no problems so idk i think this car hates me . :sad:


Maybe a new coil pack.


im gonna look into it ill have to check the salvage yard (im almost flat broke) :razz:


Junk yard parts are always going to be cheaper. I try to find the lowest mile one I can when I hit up the junkyard.


When you tried to start it, did it crank over at all? Stupid question, but did you put it in park or neutral before you tried to start it?


i have a dollar on the aux post!


lol been there, did that.


i'll PM ya my number.


ONE: If you are going to get a coilpack from a junkyard... get one from a 3x00, where they are on top and likely to be perfectly fine. thats the common 3100 and 3400 engines used from 94 and up. the coils and module are the same. In fact... the module from the same car is even more likely to be worth grabbing.



TWO: YOUR ISSUE SOUNDS LIKE A POWER ISSUE. clean and tighten your battery posts, and the aux nut. Next time you are at the yard, go find ANY mid 95 and newer GM car and take the auxilary post nut from it, as it is a FULL nut, and substitute it for the dinky brass nut your car currently has. (or even better... tighten it down over the brass nut to double lock that nut from loosening)


I hope that your issue is fixed with the suggestions above. I started to read your post to see if I could offer any help, but the complete lack of punctuation gave me a headache so I stopped reading. I know that it sounds silly but many people, myself included, typically won't even read posts like the one above so you are quite possibly missing out on worthwhile advice because of the way you type your posts. Just wanted to give you a heads up.


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