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My cousin just called me and told me her tranny died in her 94 Buick Century 3100... I was thinking the tranny was different in 94 then in 96 (I have a 96 3100 GP tranny)... Are they different or would the one that I have work in her car?


If they are different, I have another request, Does anyone have a tranny that would work in her car? And the closer to Fort Wayne, IN you are, the better...


a 94 and 96 3100 4t60e have the same gears, torque convertor and VSS reluctor wheel.


what else do you think could be different?


An A-body like that will have completely different FDR and possible other minute differences.


My guess is A-bodies went OBD II at the same time W's did, but I could be wrong.


oops. i saw century and thought regal...


yes, OBD2 in 96, though the 94-95 A cars had removeable PROMs and are tuneable the way other OBD1 cars are.


a 94 A car has 2.97 gears, a 29 tooth VSS reluctor and a 1630RPM stall.


WAY different.


1994 and 1995 are standalone transmissions remember the obd 1.5 guys?




That sucks, although when it comes to automatics I wouldn't fuck with different years if I was replacing.


1994 and 1995 are standalone transmissions remember the obd 1.5 guys?


HUH? what's the ECM got to do with it?


1994 and 1995 are standalone transmissions remember the obd 1.5 guys?


HUH? what's the ECM got to do with it?

it doesn't. he is incorrect.



but the 94 a-body trans is not compatible with a w-body trans.


1994 and 1995 are standalone transmissions remember the obd 1.5 guys?

HUH? what's the ECM got to do with it?

it doesn't. he is incorrect.

that's what i was thinking... there weren't any internal changes that i know of that happened between 94 and 96. the PCM doesn't control it any differently either.


there IS a difference between 94-95, and 96... but it simply has to do with the ring gear... so as long as the differential is year matched to the tranny... they interchange........


The back of the trans from the the A bodies and the Grand Am transaxles dont work in the W-body because the mounting system is different and the bolt holes are in the wrong place for the mounts. I am not incorrect Ken, when you do a parts search for compatible transmissions using a 1994 or 1995 Cutlass on car-part.com ONLY 1994 and 1995 transaxles come up. The PCM/ECM are coupled together on these cars. The 4t60e is semi electronically controlled Thats what it has to do with it.


However, an a-body 282 is identical to a w-body 282............................


The back of the trans from the the A bodies and the Grand Am transaxles dont work in the W-body because the mounting system is different and the bolt holes are in the wrong place for the mounts. I am not incorrect Ken, when you do a parts search for compatible transmissions using a 1994 or 1995 Cutlass on car-part.com ONLY 1994 and 1995 transaxles come up. The PCM/ECM are coupled together on these cars. The 4t60e is semi electronically controlled Thats what it has to do with it.


there is lies the first problem. car-part fails to clarify that although different, they can be swapped. NOTHING to do with the PCM at all, but rather a change in the RING GEAR and DIFFERENTIAL.


hmm... I have to refind the diff info.... but here is SOME info...






That does... I forgot that the century was a different platform in 94


hence my lack of clarification in my first post.


I had to swap electronics though.

oh... you can do that or swap pins. otherwise it is the same except the ring gear.





94 cutlass supreme

4AFW 3.1L W Body (4-bolt side cover) 3.33 35/35 3.33 30 2095

95 corsica:

5WFW 3.1L L/N Body (6-bolt side cover) *3.29 37/33 2.93 29 1630


It would take a God. they are completely different.


what happened to the tranny you bought from a low mileage car???


Had metal shavings in the pan we didnt use it.





94 cutlass supreme

4AFW 3.1L W Body (4-bolt side cover) 3.33 35/35 3.33 30 2095

95 corsica:

5WFW 3.1L L/N Body (6-bolt side cover) *3.29 37/33 2.93 29 1630


It would take a God. they are completely different.


what happened to the tranny you bought from a low mileage car???


Had metal shavings in the pan we didnt use it.

how much metal shavings???? pic? some shavings are normal from transmission break-in....

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