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here goes:


yesterday: the front left tire on the GP went COMPLETELY flat overnight, as in, it almost lost the bead. the day before it had 30psi in it. this morning, it still had ~30psi. looks kind of low, but apparently it isn't.


this morning ~7AM: go to start the car, idleing unusually high, even for the temperature. hook up the laptop, and it's showing the TPS at 2.35% MINIMUM. voltage was .61, so it makes sense. that was a fun drive to drop off my sister-in-law at school. had to choose between neutral dropping the tranny or burning the brakes... i decided brakes were cheaper and my superior driving skill will make up for the safety the tranny explosion would cause.


now, both of these things are COMPLETELY unrelated and unexpected. i was also told by my father-in-law to "expect trouble" a few days ago, since one of the asshole neighbors was walking up the street with a notebook and taking down information about us.


now: since the GP has survived colder mornings without issue, i can't blame it on the cold.


is there anything that could have been done while we were sleeping to cause throttle issues? and can i just file down the little screw looking thing that stops the thrrotle to regain a completely closed condition? i can't see a head on the other side of it, which makes no sense, but i figurd i could grind it far enough for the throttle to close...

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.....more disturbing information.


two of my donuts went missing. and the caramel frosting from one of them somehow made it's way on to the keyboard of my desktop. i left the donuts at home, and the dogs didn't get them since they can't reach on top of the desk, the box wasn't completely destroyed and they don't have 4 different kinds of frosting in their fur.


seriously, if i stop posting all of a sudden, feel free to guess why.

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Dude, if you seriously think your neighbor broke into your house, keep a gun handy, and call the cops.


That's freaky shit.


i have special things awaiting the asshole that makes the mistake of walking in while i'm still here...

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Dude, if you have a paintball gun, just stay up one night and wait for the son of a bitch. If he starts fucking with your car, shoot his ass.


If he breaks into your house, shoot him with the real one.

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Dude, if you have a paintball gun, just stay up one night and wait for the son of a bitch. If he starts fucking with your car, shoot his ass.


If he breaks into your house, shoot him with the real one.


too bad i don't own a firearm...


lots of knives though :biggrin: but i'm crazy like that, i don't need guns.

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That's some crazy stuff.. What kind of neighbor takes a notebook and writes down info about their neighbors?!?!? I'm sure the tire is related if all you had to do was air it up and its still fine... Not sure what he could have done to the tps though, so it must just be some kind of coincidence... If there is no other possibility that someone else in the house could have eaten your donuts and gotten frosting on your keyboard, I'd at least put some kind of password on it... That way he can't come over and do who knows what while you're away...

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my wife was with me and she is actually the one that noticed the donut discrepancy... and the frosting on the keyboard.


the GP has the wonderful hood release that binds and breakes the interior handle so i made one that is well hidden under the hood that you HAVE to see me do it or crawl under it and infer for yourself...


so anyone determined enough could have gotten under the hood...


talking to ben on 60V6, he got me looking at older logs and the TPS voltage at .61 for closed throttle is correct. but that doesn't make sense that overnight, the ECM thinks the throttle went from 0 to 2.35%...

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truncated version of what i posted on 60V6:


i pulled the ECM fuse, IAC and TPS plugs(BTW: TPS plug is a PITA in this car, wish it was as easy as the MC) waited 20 minutes, went and checked for codes(got IAC oddly enough, but no TPS), thought that the codes would have cleared by now, so i fired up TP v4, cleared the codes, gave everything a watchful eye, open TP V5, connected, everything looked good (all things considered) and saw 0 volts for TPS, so i went out and plugged the TPS and IAC back in, hopped in and saw a TPS voltage of .61, and a % of 0, fired it up and now it idles correctly...


so it wasn't a mechanical issue at all, it was all because of the ECM thinking i didn't want it to idle due to the TPS being misadjusted?

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