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exhaust questions


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I think i am going to order 2 flowmaster 40 series mufflers and a car sound cat. Here are my questions:


1. Can i get 2.5" inlet/outlets and still install on my car without changing the pluming yet?


2. Should i weld all this on or should i use clamps?


3. What use does the resonator have?


4. Should i replace the resonator with a straight pipe or glasspack?


5. When i look at the stock mufflers, the tips are bent down at an angle so they can exit the car properly, will i have to get new tips that do this also?


6. Will i have to worry about doing any custom work to get the mufflers/cat to be hung properly?


Sorry for all the questions but i want to get my exhaust done soon and i want to know based on what the answers are to these questions if i should just take my car in and get it installed professionally.

thanks for the help.


word...here's what i have on my car.


i have 2.5" carsound cat and 2.5" all the way back to the Y. from there it is 2.25" into (2) flowmaster 40s. i have no resonator and no glasspack in place of where the resonator used to be. sometimes i am told that my exhaust sounds hollow (tin can like) when accelerating hard, but it idles deep and holds a nice tone cruising. to fix the tin can noise, you can add a glasspack there, however, i don't think i will be doing such an addition. get everything welded. clamps suck. you shouldn't need new tips. the stock mufflers are huge as hell and the stock tips do drop. however, with my 40s they are a lot slimmer and i just have them hung lower. i can't see them from the sides. i got some rectangular tips and they fit just fine with the lowered mufflers.


hope that kinda helps you out a little bit.




i just noticed youre from burnsville....i grew up in burnsville and went to lakeville. what a small ass world.


sweet man. Yea i just graduated from bville high school in june. i want to get the hell out and down to mankato for college. Thanks for the help on the exhaust. I think i am going to call around on gettin the job done as i dont have a welder. I might have to go with a glasspack and see what happens.


i stopped at a couple local muffler shops. Midas and carex...the only ones i know of around here. Midas wants $70 per side to install the mufflers and anohter $70 for the cat. CarX wants about $75 total not including any extra work. The guys at Midas are assholes and CarX was pretty nice and understanding, i think im gonna have to make some calls to old friends with welders.


I dont like Midas at all. My dad went to school with a guy that owns a brake/muffler shop so he gave me a good deal. Like I told you in the PM they only charged me 40 bucks to install my mufflers and tips. I like the small business shops better usually.


Don't go to midas. I took my old geo in for repair and later when I was driving the damn front end fell apart. They didn't tighten some things, but they did fix it for free after I yelled at them for a while.


i dont plan on going to midas. I will have to check out some smaller shops around here. I got a couple friends with welders the only prob is convincing them to not be lazy and help me out.


what is the size of the stock plumbing on my car? anyone know off hand? is it 2.25"?


2 inch i believe. on my car it is anyway, i have dual thrush turbo muffler with dual chrome tips right off the mufflers and i didnt need a bendy thing to ge the ehuast to come out of the rear fairing, i think the mufflers ride lower to the ground though just for that reason. i took mine to exhaust pros here in bemidji, i dont recommend them, they charged me an extra 30 bucks and on the reciept it says "cat $30" and i looked and the stock cat is still there , i dunno, maybe he cleaned it out? but the total came to like 130 bucks including tips and labor


well if its 2" then i need to find a 2.25" y pipe. thats all the smaller the size of the mufflers im gettin comes it. damn it thats more money i have to spend.


u dont have to worry bout changin plumbing beauce when i was shoppin aroung for parts to do my exhaust i found exhaust adapters at autozone on one sdie was say 2.25 n the other was maybe a 2.5 in dia it was a 3 maybe 4 inch peace of exhaust pipin


yea thats what i was going to do for the glasspack.


2.5" carsound cat

2.5" pipe from cat to glasspack

Glasspack into ypipe with the little pipe thing that downsizes

then the mufflers but then iwill have to buy 4 of those things :x


oh well ill see waht i can come up with.


for those of you who have bought flowmaster 40 series or any other tpye of muffler, do i get offset/center or offset/offset?


offset/center. i personally did not like the flowmasters on my car 3.4 dohc but they sound good on 3100s and 3.1s i didn't look what you have. i still have my old flows they are 40 series offset/center. i used them for 2000 miles or about 3 months, they are still in good shape and can be put on a car with no problems. if you want em make me an offer i paid 75 a muffler back in november


I kinda like the sound of them. I want performance right now, when i get more money i will go for some more expensive mufflers that may sound better. Whats the least you will let them go for?


I have some silencers on mine :lol:


when I go on to grass with the car idling, you hear NOTHING


you have to have your head right behind the mufflers to hear anything out of 'em.... :lol:


maybe there's a brand stamp on them or something


lol ^, 4spdz i think im going to just get em new off ebay or something. Thanks though.


that was 100 shipped obo. what price were you thinking. i just want to sell them so i suggested a price


i can get them off ebay new for $37.XX each plus $19 shipping(includes insurance). Atleast thats what they claim. its all good though i want new ones nothing against you.

word...here's what i have on my car.


i have 2.5" carsound cat and 2.5" all the way back to the Y. from there it is 2.25" into (2) flowmaster 40s. i have no resonator and no glasspack in place of where the resonator used to be. sometimes i am told that my exhaust sounds hollow (tin can like) when accelerating hard, but it idles deep and holds a nice tone cruising. to fix the tin can noise, you can add a glasspack there, however, i don't think i will be doing such an addition. get everything welded. clamps suck. you shouldn't need new tips. the stock mufflers are huge as hell and the stock tips do drop. however, with my 40s they are a lot slimmer and i just have them hung lower. i can't see them from the sides. i got some rectangular tips and they fit just fine with the lowered mufflers.


hope that kinda helps you out a little bit.






That almost descripes my setup to the letter. except i have a Magnaflow Cat and factory tubing all the way to the flowmasters and again no resignator. i agree it keeps a nice low rumbe but at 2.5k-3k when COLD sounds kinda tinny. When hot hot. sounds sweet all the way up the rpm range. dual flowmasters sounds so sweet at 3k-6k


You think the glass pack will rid that tinny noise? for now i was thinking this: 2.5" carsound cat-stock pipe-2.5" glasspack-stock Y-2.25" flowmasters

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