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Hmmm, tranny clunks into reverse, but not drive.

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Hey all, for some time I've had an unidentifiable 'grinding' sensation on my newest w-body, a 90 LE, 3.1L.


So I go to put the car in reverse today at lunch..... c-r-u-n-c-h, thud.


Drive, normal. Neutral, nothing, back to rev. Same crunch, thud.


So I'm thinking dogbones maybe? So i open the hood and watch. Some movement, sure, but not tons. Still, nasty crunch and hard thud into reverse. How much movement is normal? I don't have my old GP anymore, so I can't try it to compare.


Could it be the tranny mount or main engine mounts? Could it be CV shafts? Wouldn't they do it into drive too? Or worst case could it be the tranmission itself?


Hoping someone has had the same problem.


BTW, the car only has 36,000 miles on it, so I don't think extreme wear is the case on any of the stuff.


First's things first: make sure it's not the internals of the tranny.

Where's the thunk / clud coming from? Above or underneath?

If not, I've personally had problems with the rear exhaust manifold / downpipe hitting the firewire.

There's also a possiblity that your transmission mount has good to crap.

Try to isolate the noise and re-post. Hopefully it's an easy find / fix.


- Erik

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