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What do these Trouble Codes mean?! 22, 33, 35, 44, 45.

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Aside from the PCM, make sure you dont have a fueling issue..


check the fuel pressure regulator.. It could have a bad diaphram causing it to dump fuel through the vacuum hose and into the intake..


Ohm test the injectors, could have them dieing out...



But more often than not, a shit ton of codes on a OBD1 GM system leads to a failed PCM..


Also, A major vacuum leak can do this... But typically will only throw a lean code and MAP code only


I just plugged the new PCM/ECM in and the car doesn't run. Not necessarily the PCM's fault, it wasn't running before. But, now after I try the ignition the Check Engine light blinks. Its a 'blink, long pause, blink, long pause' continuously. I also get that same blinking when I put the paper clip into the Assembly Line Communication Link (ALDL) connector to read the OBD-I codes.


This makes me very concerned. What does this 'blink, long pause, blink, long pause' mean? Should I be concerned?


Does the new ECM come with a PROM or MEMCAL already installed??


If not, you need to swap them over..


There is not a PROM or MEM-CAL that came with the new PCM. For this year of Cutlass Supreme I have to swap the PROM and I did. I am confident that the PROM is securely and properly in place.


Okay, so the car is still not running.


I went to the junk yard and got a Vacuum Modulator(the one that goes under the air intake manifold).

And I even replaced the Vacuum Modulator for the Transmission. But, apparently that wasn't good enough.


I just replaced my ECM in effort to get my car running again along with a myriad of other things. I am concerned about this Check Engine Light sequence I am getting. Its blink, long pause, blink, long pause. And it repeats. The thing is, that I get this sequence all the time, even if I am not checking for Trouble Codes!

What is going on? Is my ECM dead?



Here is the link to my previous thread for my car troubles, I don't know that it will help much:



Did you check the wiring for the map tps and the iac? Sounds like you got a break somewhere. I believe they all use the same basic circuit. the o2 codes are probably being caused being this. Check for 5v reference at all 3 sensors, your ground, and the signal wires.


I would check to make sure there is a memcal in that ecm. You may need to remove the memcal from your old ecm and put it in the new one because I think new ecm's don't come with the memcal. If your old memcal is suspect... try a junk yard for the same year/motor/model.


if you post the BCC i can tell you what all MEMCALs will work...


I merged this thread with your old one since this is just a continuation of the same problem. From now on, do not start a separate topic for the same problem. Posting in your old thread brings it to the top where everyone will see it. By the way, you can edit the first post in a thread to change the title of it to reflect an update/or new issue you want to put emphasis on.



Oooh, okay. That's a handy trick. Thanks. I won't dual post for the same problem.


The Memcal is fine. I think I made the mistake of leaving the battery connected when I plugged in the new ECM/PCM. That probably fried it. I got another ECM and unplugged the battery this time and the car started right up. I think it was the last of a number of needed fixes.

But, my car liiiiiives! :willynilly: Thanks guys for all your help and suggestions.


Oh, and I think the 'blink, long pause, blink, long pause' means that the computer is not working, get a dang new one. I don't think 'blink, long pause, blink, long pause' isn't a Trouble Code. I think its a 'you messed up big genius!' code.

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