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got clutch now what?

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ok clutch is in.. not i got to put it in car. help please! info!


i got to put it in car. help please!


1. open door.

2. place clutch on seat

3. close and lock door

4. clutch has now been put in car, drink beer and relax


LOL! thats a good one! i in fact called a friend to tell him what you said.


i got to put it in car. help please!


1. open door.

2. place clutch on seat

3. close and lock door

4. clutch has now been put in car, drink beer and relax


:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:


i believe Kuntzie did a write up on how to pull a mantrans from a w-body on the tgpforums awhile back.


however plan on supporting the engine, removing the slave cyl, pulling the release fork, dropping the subframe or at least half of it, pulling the trans, pulling flywheel best case get it cut, worst case get a new one. thats a super short version of the ordeal


I should have got an Automatic! lol (someone kick me) just wish i was not dumb about all this. i dont know what a relase fork is. or the slave cyl (i dont know what it looks like or what it does but i have an idea


ok, quick run down of how your mantrans works


when you press the clutch pedal, it actuates the clutch master cyl, which pushes clutch fluid (normal dot3 brake fluid) into the slave cyl and the slave cyl actuates the release fork which pushes the pressure plate in and removes pressure from the clutch disc so you can shift


Ok thanks! now that makes since.. :) so i rip it out. put new clutch in then how do i beed the system and such?


if you are careful, unbolt the slave cyl from the trans and use string or something to tie it up out of the way, and BY NO MEANS PUSH THE CLUTCH PEDAL, or you will ruin it very fast. then upon reassembly just bolt it back into place. if you do breech the hydraulic system, it is a pretty big pain in the ass to bleed.


and you will not be able to separate the engine from transmission till the clutch fork is pulled out.


How to i pull the clutch fork out? Where is it? (I’m sorry Chris, your being very understanding and helpful and I greatly appreciate it.


I cannot vouch for the 282 nearly as much, there should be a inspection hole right in front of where the slave cyl is with the slave cyl removed you can gain access to the clutch fork, all you should have to do is grab it and pull up, and you will have pulled it out of the throwout bearing, letting the engine separate from the transmission.


should not be any special tools needed, you most likely got a clutch arbor with your clutch set (tool that goes in the middle of the clutch disc to center it while bolting the set to the pressure plate) If you don't have one of them, get one. BTW which clutch did you go with?


a torque wrench is good to have for bolting the flywheel to the crank again, and for bolting the pressure plate the the flywheel.


A FSM would be good for torque sequences, and specs. If I was at home I'd get you that information and post it. But I am out on the road.


Just a factory ac delco for now. when the transmisson goes in the gtp and i go to put 284 in it i will buy a spec. But ac dleco was the cheapest. and it was a kit. (well not cheapest. But 130$)


should be good to go, that's a very decent price for a quality clutch IMO.


It was part of my 1,100 dollar order to rock auto. lol i was surprised to see it that cheap!


I cannot vouch for the 282 nearly as much, there should be a inspection hole right in front of where the slave cyl is with the slave cyl removed you can gain access to the clutch fork, all you should have to do is grab it and pull up, and you will have pulled it out of the throwout bearing, letting the engine separate from the transmission.



You do not have to pull the clutch fork out on a 282, that's a 284 only thing. The 282 is much easier, just take out the bolts and it should seperate.


Also a few tips not mentioned in the pdf:


You need to get the flywheel machined, or get a new flywheel, or your clutch will be toast in no time.


As with brakes, use brake parts cleaner on the metal parts to make sure they are clean, you don't want any comtamination.


The clutch should have came with instructions, but you'll have to load/pack the throwout bearing with white lithium grease.


Use a very light coating of grease on the input shaft to help when puting it back on.


DO NOT get any oil or grease of any type on the clutch disc, pressure plate, or flywheel whatever you do, or your clutch will be toast.


The clutch requires a break in period (should be mentioned in clutch's instructions), so no smokey burnouts the first few hundred miles.


If you do it right and make sure there is no oil contamination, your clutch should last a long time. I put the cheapest clutch i could get in my Z24 ($106 Perfection at Advance) and have just over 50k miles on it with plenty of abuse and burnouts and it's still going strong.


Oh yeah, the most important tip:


drink plenty of beer. :high5:


For me it is always free, but probably around $20, just like turning rotors basicly.


NICE THREAD! I get my 282 today. we pulled it 2 days ago. and I am in the dark like anthony so this was a good read so far. I could have told you about the fork thing though because it just came off, but looks like it needs a new throw out bearing. I plan on getting it rebuilt before installing it.


how much might I expect a shop to charge for a rebuild if I took it in? the trans has ~200k miles


Oh shit. I had got a quote for it, can't remember how much they said. I wanna say it was ~$800-1000


Included everything including clutch. I think that was the quote anyways. :willynilly: :burnout:

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