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R.I.P. to the pree...


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for now anyway.


so this weekend, while going to the office, my tranny came apart, so the pree is currently sick. lost 1st and reverse. the car is still kinda driveable if you can get it going - but its just not a smart idea. Hopefully AAMCO will honor the warrenty.


Just for anyonw with tranny problems, NEVER take your car to AAMCO. i paid nearly $1900 for a rebuilt tranny. Then they over torqued the subfram bolts, so a few weeks later, the subframe drops completely out, taking both my CV axels, both tie rods, and my steering shaft with it.


I HIGHLY recamend going somewhere other then aamcvo for tranny work.


- Justin

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Damn, that sucks.. good luck with it..


That makes 2 dead GP's that I know of.. But the second one won't be driving ever again. My girlfriend's 97 GT drowned in flood waters last week. Poor girl, she misses her car, and so do I. :cry: http://www.lukez34.com/rip.jpg


hippy's???? :cry: if so that was a GTP, well kinda, GT if you read slips :wink:



well i guess that means denver will be safe for the next few eeks/months and the crime rate will drop dramatically :lol:

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make that another dead pree wit mine...


still in the shop wit a noise on the intermediate shaft...turns out they gonna pull the engine and send it to a machine shop to re-do something to the shaft....

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Damn, that sucks.. good luck with it..


That makes 2 dead GP's that I know of.. But the second one won't be driving ever again. My girlfriend's 97 GT drowned in flood waters last week. Poor girl, she misses her car, and so do I. :cry: http://www.lukez34.com/rip.jpg


Nothing salvagable from the car??? im sure you could have gotten it back from the insurance company for dirt cheap.


but i havent seen it so yeah.


AAMCO has an extremely bad reputation for ripping people off, it almost makes me sick to my stomach when I hear or read some of the stories...


Here's a good site that talks about how AAMCO really operates:




thanks for the link. Im still trying to figure out how i can get them to pay for the damage when y engine and subframe fell out. i had to pay for the guys lawn to get fixed to that i ended up in, ontop of the steering shaft, axels, tie rods and new bolts and bushings...


when i actually inspected the bolts, they were torqued so hard, you chould see whe whole thing (what was left anyway) was twisted, including right where they broke off, there was a spot that was twisted and started to break b4 this whole thing happend cuz i could see rust in part of it.


thos fucking bastards piss me off so bad, and if they dont honor the warrenty, i might have to pull some post office shit on them (j/k) but it wont be pretty. When i took the car in after the fram fell out (this was after it was all fixed) they put it on the rack and were like "it looks fine to us" completely ignoring the fact that i had recipts in hand from the repairs. They blatently told me i was lieing and trying to screw them over, and that the damage wasnt caused by them. They also would not show me the old parts and the broken "chain" that was in my tranny. Funny, the 4T60 doesnt have any chains.


Auto repair has to be one of the most fucked up industrys in the world. My dad had a celica (79 ithink) that he took into a shop to have a tune up done. Im not sure of the year, but i know it was the first year with the DIS in it, but for some reason when my dad asked to see the old parts, they braught out an old distributor cap. Hmmmm whats wrong with this picture???


anyway, sorry, had to vent.


although in light of the bad tranny if they dont fix it, Hello 5 Speed!!!


- Justin

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Nothing salvagable from the car??? im sure you could have gotten it back from the insurance company for dirt cheap.


but i havent seen it so yeah.


- Justin


Yes, and no.. If you look, the flood water was almost up to the bottom of the window. The car stalled when she got to the high water (which didn't look too deep at the time), and when that happened, everything went. Car was smoking, everything was shorting out.. Only thing salvagable would be the exterior body panels, rims tires, and maybe a few interior pieces. All the electronic parts are fried, motor pulled in water. She wants to find a 98 GTP, so hopefully the insurance company will treat her well.



No aaron, that wasn't Hippie's GTP..

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Mines down with yet another shredded tans. Number 7 in 6 months.



...I can't even begin to fathom what the hell you do to your trannys'.

Neutral drops and 7000+ gear shifts all day long? Yeesh....

Anything over 2 trannys is rediculous. :lol:


- Erik

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AAMCO has the worst reputation of any car repair service center. I doubt they will honor thier warranty. They didnt honor the warranty on my parents 'burban when it died a few months after it was replaced. It cost me 1800 to rebuild my tranny completely. For that much i could have gotten this 3800 II with tranny and 36K on it and had half of it installed!


Too bad you arent around here. Edmonts Royal Transmission, really does a good job and have helped me with any minor problems with my car since (loose vacume hose - probably my fault) - as well as a 2 yr full warranty on cost and 1 yr labor. Afterwards they do what they can at a resonable expense.

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Dont go to a gas station for anything but gas!! I'm sorry but I will not buy the McRib from McD's. Nor the chicken fingers from Arby's. Its like the puzzles when you ere a kid- "Which one doent belong in the group?" lol :)


I do ALL of the work on my car, but before I was mechanically inclined I researched the place I was thinkin of taking my car. I'm sure you will do the same now. sorry that it took this to do it.



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the funny thing is, i didnt have a chance too... i was planning on getting a new car, so i went out looking... when i got home, my car was gone. I asked my dad where it was and he said he had it towed to AAMCO and that thye had already started the work. I kinda got screwed into it...


- Justin

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well i hope i don't ginx myself, but with 216,000+ miles, and still the same tranny (i think, i havn't had the car long enough to justify that) but sure enough it still runs strong, with no slips, or bad shifts. Even though there is nothing wrong with it, i would like to invest in a 5-speed. anybody know how much i canexpect to pay for a new getrag 284, or a used?

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new 284 - good luck, used - it depends, the local yard around here wants $67 for the tranny itself, then $15 an axel and about $30 for the shifter and whatnot, so about a hunderd iof you pull it yourself - that is if you can find one.... ummm, ebay, maybe 200-300???


- Justin

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