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to fast for the speedo


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i found these really long strecth of str8 road surronded by trees n watter so i figured this would be a great chance for me to see how fast i can get my car to go


i stop at the beginnin of the road step on the brake n gas at the same time doin a brake stand since i dont have a tach i dunno were i let go at but i let go my tirez screamin n im accel so fast i noticed my seedo goin like 12-14 missin 13 it just kept goin up in intervalz to i reached bout 20 mphs n then i went normal n i ketp speedin ahead next thin i knew my speedo said 120 then it like started flickering 188 madd rapidly (that is also the number u see when u frst turn the car on)n then i started to slow down i got scarded my car was gettin real lite n then my speedo showed up again as i got to bout 90 mph


what exacly does this mean?

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my grandparents buick park avane 1987 100,000 miles when series 1 3.8L. the speedo flashes 85 ith lots of power left.. i have taken that thing above and beyond what that speedo can reed. so its not going to killit.


RIP my grandparents 91 Buick Regal Limited 30,000 origonal miles series 1 3.8L That car was so beautiful. died in a t-bone collisoion!!!

they now drive a 00 buick centruy or something like that

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that kinda sounds like the speedo's on the turbo jet skis, when you accelerated you accelrated so fast it would jump up speeds like 12 or 13 mph per jump untill you were at full speed and it flashed a new speed about once every half a second, and with the waves and everything flying out of the water and on plane and everything it would go from like 60 to 24 to 57 to 17 to 63 and just jump around like that because it is constantly climing out of the water and everything with each wave and it only reads an accurate reeding once every 4 or 5 seconds

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My 88 CS went all the way up to 136mph one time on a highway going little downhill i did it about 5 second and then i slowed down because back then the car had 150k miles and didnt want to get stuck on a highway at 5am

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