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Door doesn't open ( Not obvious cuase)

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My drive side door will not open from the out side ( please do not say the handle is broken, I checked and its fine)


The door will open from the inside still.


I go to pull the handle ( the handle moves) and nothing.


I roll down the window and give it some tugs while pulling the handle and nothing.


So I opened the door from the inside, I try to open the door while the door is already open, I heard nothing and saw

nothing happen.


Any ideas? Cuase I am lost at this point.

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Took the cover off and everything looks like it is connected properly, just to make sure I opened up the other side

and they both looked the same and the other side does work.

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The mechanism is PUSHED down, not pulled. If you pull on the linkages you'll pull it out of it's little slot and it's a major pain in the ass to put back in. The linkages are out of adjustment.

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Every W-body I've owned does it. Randomly the door won't open anymore, from both handles. It usually happens in the winter for me which sucks. Then I have to climb in through the passenger side 3 or 4 times last winter. It makes no sense to me.


Question: When our door handles "break" do they actually physically snap?

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Ok then I've never actually seen one break. I'll just pull on it one day and it'll seem like I pulled it "past the point of no return" and my doors won't open anymore.

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The mechanism is PUSHED down, not pulled. If you pull on the linkages you'll pull it out of it's little slot and it's a major pain in the ass to put back in. The linkages are out of adjustment.


My bad!! <3

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Was able to get in the car, by the drive side, I held the handle and had my dad yank on it till it popped open.


He if it rains tomorrow he won't work and will get the parts while I am at school.

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Ummm, you probably won't need any parts. The rods have adjustment threads internally, which you can move. The only problem is that you have to dissassemble the interior parts of the door, and a good chunk of the wiring harnesses inside the door have to come off. Complete PITA.


The real 'fun' begins when the adjustment threads run out of adjustment capability. Then you have to pull the rod out of the car, bend it, and then re-insert. To do this, I've found that its easier to just remove the door handle itself, and then feed the rod + the door handle back on.


To re-insert the linkage into the hangle, I re-insert, wrap the linkage end with a lot of masking tape, and then feed the whole mechamism back into the door from the outside. Seems to work the best, although accessing the bolts to remove the handle can be pretty darn difficult.


As for working on the interiors of the door, to light it up, what I recommend you do is take your traditional trouble light (120V AC), and fit it with a compact fluorescent light bulb (instead of an incadescent). This way, you can just feed the whole trouble light assembly into the door frame, and work within the door frame. If you use a CFL, it'll provide lots of light, but won't burn you from heat if you touch it accidentally when you're inside there.




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This morning, I pushed it the garage, and didn't even realize that I use the driver side door and it worked.


Went back tried it again and its still working, It worked all day. So confusing :thinking:


I do need a new handle on my passenger side, It did snap.

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I will bet money it is out of adjustment. i bet if it is not opening and you quickly jiggle the handle back and fourth but not hard it will pop right open.

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well then count yourself lucky, in the past 6 years i have had all sorts of issues with these doors. and on my current 92' the drivers door did similar things to what the OP states, adjusted the handle linkages and no more problem.

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on my tgp the rods are out of adujustment on the passenger handle.. i pull the handle to where it should release and push by the lock cylinder at the same time of pulling on the handle a bit and it opens right up..

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