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Recurrent starting problem


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Hey everybody-


Ok, I've had this problem with my 3.1 90' Lumina for a few months now.....even though this is only the second time its happened. About 2 months ago, I drove my car to the gas station to get some fuel....and when i came back out from filling up, it just plain old wouldn't start at all! The engine was cranking, i had plenty of power, but it would not start to save my life. After having it towed to a shop, it fired up with out a problem.


Then last night, after i had said goodbye to my date at her house, i went back to my car and the same thing happened.......it just wouldn't start to save my life! (talk about an embarrassing moment). This time, I got out of the car and shook it around a little bit, then waited about 10 minutes. After this, it started up again. This problem is really starting to worry me......I need a dependable car, and I really hope the lumina can hold up to the gm standards it was created with.


Keep in mind that my car has 97,500 miles on it........but it still runs great....minus a rough idle here and there.


Any/All ideas, diagonses will be MUCH appreciated


Thanks guys,



1990 Chevy Lumina

3.1 Liter V-6

Ride on White Lightning......if you start up....

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Rough idle, huh? Hmmm...

Well, since it only does it at stop-ups, my first guess would be a Crankshaft Position Sensor.

A chronic W-Body troubleshooter: if it's begining to foul out, the car will not want to run.

That's my first guess is that... but it's possible to due something else in the electrical system.

Try to isolate the problem (weather / driving conditions / etc) and see how far you get.


- Erik

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If the crank position wire is rubbing the block and shorting out it wont start, this happened to me, and the wire had would short out to the block, b/c it would touch it, now and then.



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I agree, if it simply dies out like that without any symptons then it's probably your crankshaft position sensor. They fail without giving you any warning.


Rough idle, huh? Hmmm...

Well, since it only does it at stop-ups, my first guess would be a Crankshaft Position Sensor.

A chronic W-Body troubleshooter: if it's begining to foul out, the car will not want to run.

That's my first guess is that... but it's possible to due something else in the electrical system.

Try to isolate the problem (weather / driving conditions / etc) and see how far you get.


- Erik

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Just like what they said, probably the Crankshaft Position Sensor and its wires.


Another possibility could be high temperature around the engine bay. Try installing a radiator fan switch so you can manually turn the radiator fan when you are driving around the city and see if the problem still persists.


Does your radiator fan even works? Start your car and let it IDLE, the radiator fan should kick in around 10-15 minutes of idling.

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Thanks everybody for your suggesstions so far:


I've been trying to replace the crankshaft position sensor, but that thing is a pain in the butt to get to :x ......I shall keep trying.


As for the radiator question, I'm sure that my primary fan works, because it does turn on while driving....especially during longer periods of driving. Now one thing i haven't seen happen, is having my secondary far turn on. I dont think its ever turned on while driving. But when i cross the diagnostic terminals to run codes on it, the secondary fan turns on with the primary fan just fine.


Anyhow, thanks for the suggesstions, and if ya'll have any other ideas, I'd love to hear em'



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If your temps dont get above 227 (I think), the secondary fan wont come on unless your primary fan is on and you have the air on. If you bypassed the connections and the secondary fan works, then you're fine.



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The secondary fan is for your A/C and usually only turns on when you use your A/C. At least that's what I heard.


Thanks everybody for your suggesstions so far:


I've been trying to replace the crankshaft position sensor, but that thing is a pain in the butt to get to :x ......I shall keep trying.


As for the radiator question, I'm sure that my primary fan works, because it does turn on while driving....especially during longer periods of driving. Now one thing i haven't seen happen, is having my secondary far turn on. I dont think its ever turned on while driving. But when i cross the diagnostic terminals to run codes on it, the secondary fan turns on with the primary fan just fine.


Anyhow, thanks for the suggesstions, and if ya'll have any other ideas, I'd love to hear em'



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when i had my old first 91LE 3.1 it did this to my mom before it was handed over to me. it was the cps. now that i think about it. my friend with a 92 firebird had this problem a long long time ago only it happened much more frequently (eveyday). he replaced the starter and it still did it and i believe that was the problem on his car too

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