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opening door


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Okay, so we had freezing rain, and I yanked at my door handle, and couldn't get the driver side open. Nor can I seem to be able to use the internal handle to get the door open.


Is there a procedure for opening the door that anyone is aware of, if it doesn't want to release?



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allow it to thaw.



you should:

coat all rubber weatherstripin on your car with silicone/dielectric grease to prevent them from freezing shut.

spray PB Blaster into all your door latch mechanisms...

and apply grease to the latch mechanism and the catch link arm and hinges.



if you have already damaged the linkage or borken the handle, you need to remove the door panel, which will require to you remove the driver's seat of r ease of clearance......

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you should hate yourself instead... cause if you hadn't tried to force it... :razz:



I always use the handle to release the door, both on 2 and 4 door cars, and then pull the door open by the door frame and not the handle.

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you should hate yourself instead... cause if you hadn't tried to force it... :razz:



I always use the handle to release the door, both on 2 and 4 door cars, and then pull the door open by the door frame and not the handle.

x2. I hate when people pull my doors open with the handle and when i had my beretta i used to flip out

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Argh, so I ripped the door apart (again). The end of the adjustment rod from the door handle assembly, to the door latching assembly is threaded with an adjustment screw.


Great. In times past, I merely gave the adjustment a few turns, and shoved it back into its place. Problem solved.


Now there's no more adjustment possible. So I have to either find a replacement rod (how??), *or* bend the existing one back into shape...


All this stuff, basically, I can't see what I'm doing, other than a trouble light (with a fluorescent bulb!), and a mirror.


Anyone able to offer me any tips on how to do this? Its a 4-door, so all the 'stuff' is right inside the doors.

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Just reach in and pull/push whatever you need to in able to open the door. Then pull it apart and just physically bend the rods back to where they feel "correct". You should be able tot ell when the lock assembly is being moved enough to open the door without physically closing it.

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I ALWAYS stretch the rod out rather that just adjusting it. the adjustment changes faster when the rod is already bent shorter than if it is bent longer. so out they come, and I stretch them as long as they can be stretched.


I also tie a heavy nylon string to the latch mechanism and run it a weep hole in the bottom of the door too... and on some of my cars i have not touched a door handle in years. no use, no wear!

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Bleh, all done.. Finally. Ended up pulling the handle, taping the rod end to the handle's notch, and then shoving it all back into the door. Never had to remove a complete handle before. Hate that its becoming a yearly routine though :(.

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