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Injectors not Firing

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OK, I'm getting a spark to my wires, not as strong as I think it should be, but my injectors wont fire. I really think this is the control module that is bad. If I spray ether in there it fires for a few seconds. Does the module have control over injectors also? I'm a little bit confused here. I got my Ohmmeter and checked the two terminals on the injectors for the front and didn't register any resistance. HELP!


92 Euro Sedan LQ-1


The ICM doesnt control the injectors. I think resistance on injectos should be like 12 ohms (not 12K ohms) I bet your ohmeter reads ohms in thousands. Can you hear the fuel pump run when turn the key to on? Is the injector fuse good?




Yes, pump operates. Yes, good pressure to the rail. Yes fuse is good. All fuses on the fender are good. Also, I had the ohmmeter on the wrong setting. Brain Cramp. The front three tested out around 12 ohms.


Well, I surrender. I'm telling the wife to get it towed to the garage.


I just can't figure this shit out w/o a scan tool.


Because when I pulled the spark plug out after cranking it for a while it was bone dry. If I spray ether in it it fires up for a second or two.


Ah, Okay, I think I missed that in your first post, sorry. Either the injectors are all clogged up, or maybe your MAP sensor isnt working, that controls fuel delivery




Yeah, I was thinking that you had the battery disconnected then put it back together and tried to start it and it wont. Man, I need to pay more attention. It sounds like injectors though. Have you done a compression test?




What would a compression test have to do with injectors not firing? This is the history of the current problem: Car died on my wife a block from the house. Wouldn't start for 5 minutes. Then it started. Got it home. Fired right up for me, no problem. Ran great. Wife drove to work the next day. Car ran fine, she kicked it in and all, no sweat. No inject money light or anything. Went out to get some lunch, wouldn't start at all. Had it towed home. Next AM fired right up. Shut it off, 2 hours later wouldn't run at all. Spark is there, but yellow and weak. No fuel at all to cylinders. If I spray ether, it'll run for a couple of secs. Spark plug pulled after cranking is dry. No fuel. Have loads of pressure in the rail. Pump runs when ignition in on position. Front three injectors show 12 ohms of resistance. All fuses are intact on fender. That's it.


I'm at my wits end here. Wife is not thrilled with driving my truck, so I guess I gotta pay a garage! WAHHHHH!


I was thinking maybe they were firing just a little, and maybe your compression had gone to shit due to bad rings or something and it just wasnt igniting. Yeah, I really dont know at all, Im stumped




Fuel pump can be bad, even with good pressure. Computer controls the injectors and could very well be bad. What is your battery voltage?


Battery voltage is around 12.7 to 13 volts. I charged it up to a full charge and tried it with no luck.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, the garage has struck. Car needed new ECM, Ignition Module, Crank Sensor. Total damages are around $700.


This really sucks.

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