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I know you did it to cover up those marks, but it might look cool if only the sunken parts were black and the rib going across the middle was still white.


but it might look cool if only the sunken parts were black and the rib going across the middle was still white.


X2, other than that, it's not bad...


Ya, I thought about that too, If that marks weren't so bad I would of done that.


The jury still out on that for me. I would like to see how it looks from a distance with the hood closed.


After Looking at it, I think I want to paint that bottom piece black as well.


That way from the spoiler up its all black. And It would look good on a black road. Black up from the road so, it looks

like its eating it.


but it might look cool if only the sunken parts were black and the rib going across the middle was still white.


X2, other than that, it's not bad...


The jury still out on that for me. I would like to see how it looks from a distance with the hood closed.


I will get you a pic.


IDK about doing the whole bottom, it might look kind of ricey....


It looks like you put a giant strip of electrical tape over it.


It looks like you put a giant strip of electrical tape over it.


Electrical tape is one of my appearance mods. It can even be seen in my sig. But I am the board ricer.


It looks like you put a giant strip of electrical tape over it.


already had that done in the inside.


IDK about doing the whole bottom, it might look kind of ricey....


too late...


The first coat is on!


boo, I was going to say don't do the bottom piece. Oh well, hope you like it.


I am done with it. I really don't care, Its just till the end of winter. Maybe people will be like, Look at that Idiot in the



If you notice, There is a handle type thing coming down from the bumper on the driver side. That is my jury rigged

hood latch.


It looks nice actually. Kind of looks like your car has a semi smile. It is content, but not happy. Nice job.


Finally fixed all my lights. I need a new pass. side orange bulb not as bright as my driver side.

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