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Today is a sad day

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Ok so I love my JVC kameleon stereo. So i decided to purchase the dash install kit for my 2000 lumina and today i finished running all of the wires for my changer and woofers.

So here is the bad news. I plugged the unit in to test it and as soon as i connected the unit it fried instantly.

I am extremely upset because I dont much care for any other stereo and I just wasted my time.

Luckily my changer and amp werent plugged in otherwise they might be fried also.

I am completely fucked because i do not have any funding for another deck and the original has sticking buttons.

SO if there is any lesson to be learned(if it would have even made any difference) would be to disconnect the battery before plugging things in. :mad: :cry:

IF anyone comes across a Kameleon KD lx100 for sale please PM me


i've changed out more than a few dozen HUs and have never needed to disconnect the battery.... never had one fry either. you're sure its not a "oops, i fucked the wiring" thing? its actually the first time i've heard of anything happening to a HU...

  RobertISaar said:

i've changed out more than a few dozen HUs and have never needed to disconnect the battery.... never had one fry either. you're sure its not a "oops, i fucked the wiring" thing? its actually the first time i've heard of anything happening to a HU...

I am absolutely sure. I pulled it from my 1994 cutlass supreme and the plug didnt change. I verified it like 5 times. Just in case. I am using a metra harness, I had no problems in my cutlass with all of my components


Yea both those car use the same harness. Sounds like just a freak thing to me, especially since the fuse didnt blow. But on the bright side JVC has a new Kameleon out, or im sure you could find a old one on ebay.



I feel your pain man. But you must have crossed some wires somewhere, because there should be no problems installinf HU with battery connected. I"ve done all different HU into all different makes and models and never had a problem,as long as you do a little research first and double check to make sure everything is wired correctly.


Its pretty much impossible to cross wires or hook them up wrong when using a harness. its all color to color. Plus the only thing you could screw up to cause any damage would be to send power down the ground wire, and that would at worst blow the fuse on the back of the radio.


there is no crossed wires, all i did was unplug it from my cutlass and then i plugged it right into my lumina.



Ill keep an eye out for ya. Dont see many of those radios around anymore though.

  • 3 weeks later...

Found one!




Called the guy... said it's sold... said he has another one thats a Sony (Beta, I think he said)...

He said their very similar... Sorry, no JVC :cry:





No phone number... only craigslist email addy...





Model KD-LX111... This guy still has this radio... He's in CA...





I emailed him... Waiting... We can have someone pick it up locally I bet... Then ship it to you...





This guys is practically down the street from me... Texting him right now... Will advise...

Update No response... Probably a student still in school




am/fm chord is cut... easy fix??? Maybe worth a try for $20... We have w-body-ers in WI...

  boulevard said:




This guys is practically down the street from me... Texting him right now... Will advise...

Update No response... Probably a student still in school


Ok, I spoke to this guy. His name is David. He currently has it hooked up in his car now. He has a guy (lies i'm sure) that's coming to see it tomorrow. He has it hooked up in his car at the moment. He's willing to come down from $100 but not far, maybe $80 at most. I can go pick it up from him tonight and tonight only. I can buy it off of him and send it to you UPS. Maybe even overnight it. Either way it's $100, your cost. I'm tossing in the gas.

What do you say? Let me know asap! You can Paypal me the amount or send MO. Call me.

708-309-2583 bOuLeVaRd

  boulevard said:





I emailed him... Waiting... We can have someone pick it up locally I bet... Then ship it to you...



This guy emailed me back. He still has it.

Here's his our email history:

I wrote

From: Eduardo Marquez <marquez.eduardo@live.com>

To: sale-whhyv-1383864160@craigslist.org

Sent: Tue, Oct 6, 2009 3:09 pm

Subject: JVC Radio




Seeing if this radio is still available. Please advise. I'm in Chicago but can have someone locally pick it up from you and pay you in cash. Please feel free to call or email. Calling is preferred. Thank you.





Of course I forgot to add my phone number. :wink:


He responded

Re: JVC Radio‏

From: south3rnboi@aim.com

Yes I still have the radio. My # is 317 748 2228. Just let me know.



well I am still highly interested in The a Kameleon stereo. I apprecate all of the help :mrgreen:.

Sorry I didnt reply sooner I work late. I am havig money issues right now so I am trying to sell some items to get the money for one. I am sorry tht do not have enough money at the moment.

I will most definately keep in touch

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