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F.F.S getrag 284

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in my 2001, my getrag 284 from a 93 gtp.


anyways.. after about 2000km of driving, 800 being breking in of the clutch, not beating on it at all, my clutch began to slip, this is a stage 3+ spec rated for 700ft lbs.


anywyas, after reading up on the net. many people have had problems with not the disc itself but the pressure plate failing (mustangs, 240s, i saw a few issues while looking on google)


so i called spec and they gave me an rma number, and are exchanging it and doign some tests,


anywyas, i have my old 6 puck from my tgp, used only like 2000 miles, and worked great, was just harsh engagement.


so i put that in for the time being till i get my Spec back. installed it, and the release bearing was squeeling, so yes i pulled the trans again. the release bearing got stuck to the trans so i had to spin the crank to line up the flywheel bolt and remove it that way.... what a fucking pain in the ass..


anywyas, i used the release bearing from my spec pressure plate, and reinstalled everything..


now, the release bearing still makes a litle noise, but my clutch wont fully disengage, the system is bled 100% and the clutch pedal is normal for this pressure plate (still as hell), movement of the pedal is normal and the slave rod extends when looking though the inspection plate.\\on the same note, the rod does appear to be closer to the flywheel then before, i am thinking the clutch fork may be bent, with literally 1/4 inch pressure on the pedal the release bearing rattle goe away, im thinking its just slightly bent and causing these issues.


any input?


oh yes also.. if i start in 1st, the car will not roll on its own, so its VERY close to full disengagement, my flywheel is to spec of OEM thickness, )(.860 IIRC) and the clutch and pressure plate have been stored indoors since i used it last, no rust or anything like that.


Are you sure the clutch is bled properly? How much travel do you get from the slave cyl when the clutch pedal is fully depressed?


Is your master mounting point on the firewall plate flexing at all when the clutch is pushed?


its still and instant pressure, the pedal is insaine, im positive its bled properly, i took it into my school and bled it there today with no luck. i have NOT checked flex on the firewall but im very doubtfulk thats the case...


the release form seems to appear pressed in TOO muchtoward the engine when not pressed, leading me to believe the clutch fork is bent or something similar. ill go sanp a pic of the current position of the slave cylinder.


a little off topic.. can u find me a 284? and get it across the border? for real


ive actually pic up 2 over the past week, so i have a couple, just the transmissions though, (well shifter cables and a few other pieces aswell, but not complete swaps.





a little off topic.. can u find me a 284? and get it across the border? for real


Exporting / importing a car is easy







that car is so far fucked, there motor is completely apart, need a clutch and condition of the transmission is unknown, it has 3xx xxx km on it and been sitting for about 5 years. i offered them 200 for me to pull the trans and related parts and they could keep the car, they declined.


a little off topic.. can u find me a 284? and get it across the border? for real


ive actually pic up 2 over the past week, so i have a couple, just the transmissions though, (well shifter cables and a few other pieces aswell, but not complete swaps.



yes im looking for a tranny only.. dang how r u finding all them trans's? i just got a z34 for a swap in my 95 gtp and the 1st and 2nd gear just gone.. has 250,000 US miles on it.. i have everything else for a swap.. think ya can do something?


I think Matt and Jeff could find a 5 speed set up on a different planet! :lol:

I dunno how they do it, but the never ending flow of kijiji and e-bay links are torture!




1992 grand prex stenderd trans.


that was my last pickup of kijiji.


you just gotta look haha


That red Z with the white stripes was back on kijiji with a supposed "new" trans

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