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Cooling fan run temp on a stock Lumina Z34 w. 195 thermostat?

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Idling the Z34 quite a bit at stoplights, noticed the temp gauge was up at the 3/4 mark. Turned the A/C on to run the secondary fan, cooled right down to the half mark in a matter of a couple minutes.


I thought something like 215 and 225, or 225 and 235.


No matter, I'd get a Ben chip, or install a manual fan switch if your concerned about it.


Yeah, I think a Ben chip is in order....


the entire time I drove my z34 it always seemed to run rather hot.


I got ben's chip with 195 t stat, and it stay right at the middle line now.


Is this applicable to all w-bodies? Or just z34's?


Does anyone have a writeup for installing an aux fan switch?


ha, jake got ninja'd...


he should be able to deal with the 94-95 LQ1s soon as well....


Don't know the BCC off hand. Just wanted some input from fellow LQ1 owners.



Thanks guys


WOTtech chip it is, I have a 92 Z so its all good.


If the chip is setup correctly, there shouldnt be a need for a manual fan control.


My TGP stays rock solid at 160 no matter how long it idles or how hot it is outside. Its all in fan turn on points in the chip, and a 160 t-stat


Hmmmm 160 t-stat huh? Maybe I should go for one of those too. I thought they were too low. I have to pull the injectors this weekend so I may as well throw one in and see how she responds.


Hmmmm 160 t-stat huh? Maybe I should go for one of those too. I thought they were too low. I have to pull the injectors this weekend so I may as well throw one in and see how she responds.


I've heard fuel economy would suffer significantly.


TGP still gets 27 mpg hwy with it.....


i believe emissions will suffer significantly, but fuel economy should be relatively the same...


also need to have some way of turning the fans on before the stock settings, going from 160-220-160 is not good for your motor, it prefers a steady state.


seconding that ^


keeping it cool is secondary to keeping it consistent.


the chip I have runs the IC fan at 120 degrees, and the primary at 160.


The IC fan shuts off over 50 mph


the chip I have runs the IC fan at 120 degrees, and the primary at 160.


The IC fan shuts off over 50 mph


code59 FTW?


the chip I have runs the IC fan at 120 degrees, and the primary at 160.


The IC fan shuts off over 50 mph


code59 FTW?

All TGPs are set to shut off the IC fan above 55 MPH and shut off the primary fan above 69 MPH IIRC.


All TGPs are set to shut off the IC fan above 55 MPH and shut off the primary fan above 69 MPH IIRC.


i didn't even know the TGPs ran a fan setup like that, i just knew the code58/59 used a air/water intercooler, which you can use for a fan if you're not using a A-W I/C...

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